Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Belarus Conducting Large Scale Exercises Near The Ukraine Border

Reuters: Belarus puts southern military unit on alert in large-scale readiness exercise 

(Reuters) - Russia's close ally Belarus announced a snap military inspection on Tuesday including increased combat readiness in the south of the country, the latest in a burst of exercises that have prompted concern from neighbouring Ukraine. 

A flurry of Belarusian military action, including a counter-terrorism exercise last week, has kept Ukraine guessing about Minsk's intentions and raised concerns in Kyiv that it might join the war on Russia's side. 

Russia and Belarus are formally part of a "union state" and are closely allied economically and militarily. 

In a video statement published by the Belarus Defence Ministry, Alexander Volfovich, state secretary of the Security Council, said the checks would encompass practically all Belarus's operational commands, but initially units that would be the first to respond to any escalation "either on the Belarus border or within the country".  

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Belarus Conducting Large Scale Exercises Near The Ukraine Border  

Belarus moves troops to Ukrainian border -- Defence Blog  

Defense Minister says Ukraine is preparing for possible Russian invasion from Belarus -- CNN  

Belarus begins snap combat readiness drills -- New Voice Of Ukraine  

Belarus is suddenly checking combat readiness of its armed forces -- Ukrayinska Pravda


  1. Belarus invades, Belarus will fall. Putin will lose an ally. It will be the beginning of the end for Putin.

    1. It boggles my mind how many people really believe that Putin is just going to lie back and lose this war without taking everyone and everything with him. And folks, it doesn’t get any better than it does with Putins Russia. Just wait till you see what comes after him.

  2. FEAR, "Let's Have a War"



    1. CURE, 'WORLD WAR'

      Mud Trench Mig Stench
      onlookers looking on

  3. OMG guys, we have to deal with Putin because the other guys are worser!

    Oh Noes!

    FTFY 1:11

  4. In other news

    What did Jill give Joe? First Lady hands the President a treat - which he slips into his mouth before his big speech on marriage rights

    IMO nurse Jill did not slip patient Joe a breath mint. Joe probably has a stack of pills and a glass of water next to his bed, when he gets up or when he strolls in the officer at nine-ish or ten-ish.

    On top of the injections and pill throughout the day he needs a booster. Aides forgot and nurse Ratchet had to deliver it on the sly.

    This booster right before a speech reminds me of a drag racer injecting nitro into his car engine for a boost of speed.

    Biden needs this much care to appear normal for a few hours a day.

    Joe is Senator Palpatine without the Jedi Powers.

  5. What did nurse Jill slip doddering Joe?

    a) Scooby Snack
    b) Smart Pill
    c) a chocolate treat with his daily cholinesterase inhibitor pill hidden inside
    d) Fisherman's Friend
    e) Xanax
    f) Skoda
    g) meth
    h) Adderall
    i) upper
    j) Something from Hunter's sock drawer or stash

  6. I wonder if this is the setup for a Belarus sweep from up top, coordinated with other actions as the beginning of the end-game of this portion of the reconquest of the borderlands.

  7. Yes Belarus will Fall!!

    Russia will fall.

    Helms deep will fall!!

    Slava Ukraine!!

    You idiots are all really brainwashed are you not? So, oh glorious arm chair generals, How are the Ukies...by themselves going to do this? YES!!! YES!! The Ghost of Bandara will prevail? Slava, SLAVA. because we say so !!

    How will the ukies win with NATO help???

    Fahrvergnügen.!! YES!! Fahrvergnügen. !! SLAVA Fahrvergnügen!!

    What a waste of time. You dolts have no plan. No strategy and no concept of warfare.

    Is the Russian side any better??? F no you dolts. Have you not figured it out? This is a battle of retards. The only difference is that one retard (Russia) has all the economic and demographic advantages.

    NOT Ukraine's to WIN

    Russia's to LOSE.

    What? You want me to lie to you? Well screw that! You have to take your medicine like everyone else. You are all supposedly conservatives like me. So no, I am not going to cut you any slack.

    The real mastermind behind this whole crap show are the NEOCONs war block in the USA. They propagandized the population, planned and orchestrated the coup and convinced the Ukies
    (who were really stupid for listening) to push the Russians into war.

    You seen this before, you know, like the Turner Joy & Maddox and the Lusitania. Remember the Maine!! Slava Ukraine.

    Some of you dolts need to be thrown out of a C130 at 400 ft AGL into a hot drop zone. And screw you all. Got the Fking T shirt and told my nephews, do not join the military..they are a Bunch of woke weirdos so do not waste your life on them.

    But you guys. Go right ahead. The Ukies will use your bodies for fertilizer in the next planting season. At least you will be doing somebody some good.

  8. Yep.

    Everybody has a plan, until they get punched in the face.

    Iron Mike Tyson

  9. I see nothing but chaos in the future, but not for me. For those who try to wield power and control over me and us. This war is about Russia's real actual survival or the survival of the western world order which went off the civilization track when Americans surrendered their autonomy to imps, money changers and perverts. The western world billionaires have everything to lose. They will sacrifice all of us to keep their places in the hall of fame grift that is occurring in this age. Russia can take a punch and then some and will not quit. The question is, how long will the "us" allow these so called world leaders to sacrifice our wealth and lives so they do not lose. this equation equals chaos.


    1. we need to communicate this, with promises, across all u.s. ethnic groups and subcultures so that when it happens we can fold in loyal anti corporate factions. Promise a new square deal. And deliver.

    2. I mean--that's just one idea.

  10. Jesus H Christ in a hand basket.

    Someone on this blog sees the blinding light of the oncoming locomotive.

    Congratulations Ron!!!

    You get the common sense award.

    And do not mind the knuckle heads that negatively reply to your post.

    These idiots will call you a homo, idiot, malcontent and a lot of other things and insist you are a Russian spy. The blind are going to do what blind retards do: Crap on themselves.

    Happens all the time here in happy land.

    Take care and God Bless

  11. po wussian trollies trying so hard to create discontent in America almost as if you did not believe that the Us could supply Ukraine long after Wussia wan out.

  12. 12:07. A great example of our blogs membership`s intelectual prowess. This guy is our resident phi beta kappa from Harvard.

  13. 3:20 PM
    and you, a grade school misfit

  14. 3 PM and 3:31 PM do seem like Fred. however his style is easily copied. In addition some of the Fred-like posts seem just a little more coherent of late.

    Does his doctor have him on a better prescription?

  15. 3:31 And 3:44

    Yes!! Yes!! Just what we need!!
    Keep it up guys! You reflect great credit upon us all.

    You reinforce every thing that has been said.
    Please continue to grace us with your presence. And ensure that this blog remains a safe haven for retards.

    1. They gotta be disruptors. What adult would be so unpleasant?
