Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Editor's Note

Going to Ottawa today to meet some government officials. I am part of a group that is laying the groundwork on how the Canadian government can help rebuild Ukraine after the war. Blogging will return early this evening.


  1. Speaking as a fellow Canuck: rebuilding Ukraine is not my responsibility. We don’t send tanks or rifles over there and we don’t applaud the Russians when they destroy stuff; it’s not our war.

    If we as Canadians stated that we intend to host Russian and Chinese troops, and we started brutalizing American passport holders with our death squads, America would rightly destroy us. And it wouldn’t be the responsibility of people in New Zealand to pay for our hubris.

  2. The invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1939 was not your war either until it was.

    1. Not even close to same situation.

      Today, we are on the side of the Nazis.

  3. Can you please also discuss rebuilding Canada, once these Communist traitors are out of office? IF a Canada then still exists, that is :P

  4. If we discovered life on another planet, every politician in the West would send our tax money there..... Keep ducking

  5. On the side of the NAZIs? No way; we are not on the side of the Russians.

    1. You are if they're Russian Nazis volunteering for the Ukrainians.

  6. Keep sending money and arms.
    Complete the genocide.

  7. Rebuild The Ukraine with Alberta’s money, yeah I’m out. Find another welfare state to sap the wealth out of.

  8. AT the meeting if they do not discuss stricked compliance and monitoring of both funds and materials, then you are wasting your time.

    All that you spend and do will go down a rat hole.

    My advice...develop a system that takes your support directly to the people that bypasses both the regional and national government. That way two of the largest sources of corruption are cut out of the supply chain.
    Good luck. You will need it.

    1. it's spelled "strict"?

    2. YES you are correct. Thank you.

  9. strict or stricked

    At least the foreigner is sounding out his words... wherever he is from.

  10. 11:41 = 11:43

    I could get 11:41/43 on a list in China for that comment.
