Friday, December 16, 2022

EU Recognizes Ukraine Holodomor As Genocide


DW: European Parliament recognizes Ukraine Holodomor as genocide  

The European Parliament passed a resolution that declared Holodomor — the starvation of millions of people in Ukraine in the 1930s under Soviet leader Joseph Stalin — a "genocide". 

The European Parliament on Thursday voted for a resolution declaring the deliberately induced famine in Ukraine 90 years ago a genocide. 

The text of the resolution said the EU legislature "recognizes the Holodomor, the artificial famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine caused by a deliberate policy of the Soviet regime, as a genocide against the Ukrainian people." 

EU lawmakers "strongly condemn these acts, which resulted in the deaths of millions of Ukrainians, and call on all countries and organizations that have not yet done so to follow suit and recognize it as genocide," the statement read. 

"While condemning the current Russian regime for manipulating historical memory for the purpose of its own survival, Parliament calls on the Russian Federation, as the primary successor of the Soviet Union, to apologies for those crimes," the press release read.  

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WNU Editor: The brutality of Stalin was not only felt in Ukraine, but also throughout the Soviet Union. No ethnic group was spared from the Socialists/Communists in power then, even Russians. 

But IMHO the ones who probably suffered the most during this time were the Kazakhs, where it is estimated that between 38% - 42% of the population died during this period of time (Kazakh famine of 1930–1933).


  1. This was absolutely not a genocide . It was caused by ridiculously naïve policies . All of the Soviet Union suffered because of theee policies. Calling this a genocide demeans the word and spits In the face of real victims of systematic murder

    1. Agreed--and obviously geo-politically motivated.

  2. Thanks for sharing verbal diarrhea that has nothing to do with this article

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    Ya know 8:39 / 8:43 your ass has been put up with for many years. You act is pathetic and not intellectually stimulating in the usual way. It is more in the way of observing deviant psychology. :)

    1. Guess someone is butthurt. Try TUCKS.
