Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Gallup Poll Says US Government Is The Top Problem For Americans

Gallup: Government Remains Americans' Top Problem in 2022 

Story Highlights 

* Average 19% in 2022 name some aspect of government as biggest problem 

* 16% cite inflation and 12% the economy in general, on average 

* Satisfaction with direction of the U.S. averages 18%, similar to 2008 and 2011 

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- For the seventh year in the past decade, Americans name dissatisfaction with the government as the nation’s top problem in 2022. An average of 19% of U.S. adults have mentioned some aspect of the government as the most important problem facing the country in Gallup’s 11 measures this year. The government edges out the high cost of living or inflation (16%) and outpaces the economy in general (12%). Further down the list, immigration, unifying the country, COVID-19, race relations and crime each average 4% to 6% of mentions in 2022.  

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WNU Editor: As long as Americans vote-in the same politicians with each election cycle. These problems will never be resolved. For my American readers. Looking at the above poll, what is your top problem?


Anonymous said...

Definitely Government my friend

Anonymous said...

I blame Dewey

Hans Persson said...

Probably unanimous through out the world.
People getting sick of this new nobility.

Anonymous said...

My number one problem is putler and the fact that brown men on the other side of the planet are selling oil and wheat using the wrong currencies.

Anonymous said...

Government. For sure. Most of the problems mentioned below are subsets of government failure.

Solution : as you state, citizens need to vote to do a complete change of the individuals running the government. The new leaders then need to walk back about 20 to 30 years of mismanagement, ideological poison and entropy.

Probability of that happening, about zero%.

Why? Dems and Reps control system aka the BLOB. BLOB is a vampire squid that now encompasses all facets of society and culture,

End result... No change in system in foreseeable future.

Anonymous said...

Oh I forgot, 11:54. Go with Wilkie instead. (:

Anonymous said...

Former Spy Says Biden Is a “Controlled Asset” of the CCP – Biden’s Actions Show This Is the Case

The retired spies name is Sam Faddis.

What are the chances the IRS goes after him?

Alex said...

1) Immigration: no one talks about how messed up the LEGAL process is under Biden. USCIS visa processing times for many visas have DOUBLED under Biden vs Trump. If you have a loved one or partner overseas, even if you are a US citizen, expect to wait around 1.5 years just for them to get a visa to be with you in the states. Add 6 months for a work permit. Fast forward to around 3-4 years just for the green card. It's crazy. Nation of immigrants and an "immigration friendly" administration - what a joke. All the attention on the border (which is an insane and dangerous mess) but no one talks about the tens of thousands of American citizens struggling to bring their spouses or partners over despite meeting every sponsorship and support requirement; it's simply a backlog that continues to grow.

2) Cost of living: its out of control. Housing, transportation, energy, are all crazy expensive. Trying to get into the housing market is not what it was for my parents.

3) Crime and safety: there have been 4 mass shootings within .5 mile of my apartment in 6 months. One of those shootings was 9 people in a single event. There have been dozens of "non" mass shootings and there have been of course numerous homicides. I've listened to a drive by from my bed recently which shot 4 people. I live in a "nice" neighborhood.

It's incredibly difficult just to find out exactly how much crime, murder, and mayhem has happened even in my own part of town. According to the city's crime / data map, there have been 1000 crimes within the 4x5 block area around my home this year.

A recent report found that for the year of 2021, my city received more than 780,000 high priority 911 calls; for 52% of those priority calls, dispatch had no available officers to send. Compare to 2019 where it was 19% of 800,000 high priority 911 calls.

Amp1776 said...

Outlaw the Democrat party. Problem fixed. Dont care what their problems are.

Anonymous said...

WNU editor: It's not simply a matter of inaffectual politicians being repeatedly voted into office. The more that Libstains are voted in, the more chances they'll have to plant their sycophantic bureaucrats into every nook and cranny of the Deep State. And the deeper they go, the harder they'll be to root out--even when the Repugs occasionally win, since probably more than half of those are do-nothing RINOs (globalists). Eventually, it will get to the point where rooting them out is not even a realistic strategy. The all-but-open hostility of military and law enforcement officials toward Trump (not to mention media and high-tech) was but a preview of what's to come. Anyone, anywhere with any authority who doesn't play the game will be labeled, marginalized, or worse.

Anonymous said...

I thought someone lived in the Loop or River North. There have been stores demolished by Flash mobs in the vicinity. There was a shoot out filmed in broad daylight and the DA said she would not prosecute anyone, because it was a fair fight. So if 9 almost a dozen people shoot it out in city center like Batman movie and the DA does nothing, is there any reason to believe there would not be more mass shootings?

The important thing is the may or is female, black and a lesbian. Trifecta! Nothing could be better than that!

What time a day are those mass shootings? I want to know in case I have to venture forth to get a visa. But maybe needless worry as my spouse walks barefoot on those dirty streets. People will keep their distance.

Anonymous said...

You simply need to understand rthat in any three letter agency there are those who lean to the right and to the left and remain so when they leave govt service.

Sam Faddis? appears on Bannon's show with 3 other right-wingers to denounce Biden and the virus as a conspiracy.
If you believe Biden is controlled by China, show us the evidence. You are simply making a simpleton of yourself with such nonsense.
Recall Generals Flynn and Benedict Arnold were high-ranking members of our military so they must be right, decent, and honorable people

Anonymous said...

Crime is an issue? why are there no real gun laws in place? compare killings by guns in this nation with other nations.

immigration? Don't blame Biden for an issue that has existed also under Trump. Instead, look at the history of our use of migrants for farms etc. Why can a migrant come to our border from Central America and go all the way through the country of Mexico and not be stopped there as illegal?

If govt is "the problem," do you get rid of govt or try to fix it?
What would you do to make it work better?
Why do we spend as much for our military budget as the Pentagon asks for and then add on 20 billion more to that budget?
What about lobby groups and their influence? Can you name which lobby spends the most?
Why should the Supreme Court not have any term limits? If a candidate for the presidency is viewed as too old to serve, why not a member of the Court?
Why such a poor turn out (percentage of eligible people) in our elections?
Can that be fixed. How?

RussInSoCal said...

I guess the problem that bothers me the most is the degeneration of US cities. They used to be something to be proud of. Now they're just concentrated deep blue burdens on the nation. Run by Marxists, populated by government dependents, drug addicts and super-rich elites. No middle class, dangerous and filthy. They swing elections to the Dems every time, installing corrupt incompetents into office. EG: John Fetterman. The regression of US cities will be the anchor that drags the country down.

Anonymous said...

In reference to a comment above:

The fact that a multiple victim shooting in Chicago wasn’t even investigated because it was determined to be “mutual combat” says a lot about how optional law enforcement really is.

Anonymous said...

Yep. It is called "prosecutorial discretion "
Otherwise known as the

ley de poncho

All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others

Anonymous said...

On a different note.


You know what this means?.. means the Russians would be smart if they started thier bombing campaign now.

Anonymous said...

Russ--you see the degeneration of cities? there has always been that in America. In addition, crime etc is almost always accompanied by guns. And gun legislation at the national level? so guns get to cities no matter what city laws or state laws might be. How do cities such as Tokyo, London, Paris, Berlin handle gun controls?
If we are to blame one party rather than the other for all our ills, then we are doing nothing to bring change.

Anonymous said...

"Sam Faddis? appears on Bannon's show with 3 other right-wingers to denounce Biden and the virus as a conspiracy."

The virus is a conspiracy. Yes, there is a corona virus. It exists. They blow the effects of it all out of the water for power.

With the link there is a list. What would a Chinese asset do differently than Joe.

2:28 is a knothead. Black males make up 6.5% of the population They account for over 60% of the murders. They are 10X more likely to commit murder than the average person. It has to do with gangs, drugs, poor schools and Democrat policies.

Black men are dying over street corners from which to sell drugs. Take away the guns and they will use knives and bombs. We might have to go the Portugal route although that did not work for Qin china it seems.

Anyway there are a lot of shitty commenters and trolls like 11:54=12:14 & 12:10

Anonymous said...

The Blacks are the fault
They came here from Africa as tourists and visitors. Then the South segregated them. Then the KKK tried to educate them. The banks redlined them. Then the G.I. Bill did not give them the GI Bill rights whites had. Then the cops tried to show them how to behave. Yep. are responsible for how many school mass killings and how many serial killings.
Good thing many states kept them from voting since they would have voted the wrong way.

Anonymous said...

Americans' concern about crime hit a 15-year high in March, and 7 in 10 Americans last year said crime was rising. Unrest ignited by fatal police shootings in Charlotte, North Carolina; Cleveland; and Ferguson, Missouri, have fueled fears that the Bronx could soon be burning. Yet rebutting Black Lives Matter is the common refrain: "What about black-on-black crime?"

Homicides have been on the rise since the start of 2015, but that increase has largely been driven by street violence in Chicago, Baltimore and the nation's capital. Still, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has effectively played on Americans' perception of crime – itself buttressed by daily crime coverage in the news – declaring that blacks were responsible for 81 percent of the killings of white Americans, that "African-American communities are absolutely in the worst shape they've ever been in before," and that "inner-city crime is reaching record levels."

Anonymous said...

Black on black crime and Blacks committing most of the homicides goes back before Trump or Obama, ETC. So blaming this on perception create by Trump is crock. I've been reviewing Homicide talbe #6 put put by the FBI for 2 decades now.

It is the result of Democrat policies. For starters Democrats control the cities, and until Clinton the congress. Since then Democrats have controlled congress about 1.2 the time.

I see the Russki trolls are hard at it at 3:05/3:12 trying to stir the pot in America.

The street violence is is not street violence. That is an euphemism to make liberals feel better about themselves. Gangs are fighting over street corners to sell drugs or finding rival gang members on the street. If they do not find them on the street they "Drive by" their house and shoot it up.

Matthew Putnam said...

For anyone who is not a stunted adult activist larper who is into child fucking social marxism and unfettered communism, the current US government is a big problem.

Anonymous said...

thanks, Matt
your data and details are very convincing. Now get back to grade school studies.

Anonymous said...

To determine exactly how much the shots have helped, researchers created a computer model of disease transmission that incorporated demographic information, people’s risk factors, the dynamics of infection and general information about vaccination. The research comes from the Commonwealth Fund and Yale School of Public Health.

Their study, published Tuesday, found that without Covid-19 vaccines, the nation would have had 1.5 times more infections, 3.8 times more hospitalizations and 4.1 times more deaths than it did between December 2020 and November 2022.

As it stands now, Covid-19 has caused at least 99.2 million cases and more than 1.08 million deaths in the US. Just in the past week, there were 2,981 new deaths and 30,253 new hospital admissions, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
ventilator STOCK

Hospitals in the US are the fullest they've been throughout the pandemic -- but it's not just Covid

The study estimates that the vaccinations were also a good financial bet, saving the US $1.15 trillion in medical costs.

Anonymous said...

Internet search terms" FBI homicide table #6

Give this

Expanded Homicide Data Table 6


For some reason the government is 2 years behind. They do not want people to see the truth?

I believe this. Close the borders to new immigration except for someone's foreign spouse. the result will be a labor market where employers go out of their way to train people from all walks of life. If there is a true shortage then employers can automate or raise wages. It would be so that a young black man could marry and have a family of four.

But RINOs and Democrats are against it

Anonymous said...

Unifying the country

Anonymous said...

"To determine exactly how much the shots have helped, researchers created a computer model of disease transmission that incorporated demographic information, people’s risk factors, the dynamics of infection and general information about vaccination. The research comes from the Commonwealth Fund and Yale School of Public Health"

4:31 (AKA DERP) does not know, if each independent variable has its own string of random numbers. DERP does not know what the R squared is. DERP does not question, if the researchers have captured, found, or used all important variables.

DERP makes Greta Thunberg seem like Einstein, when compared to himself. DERP is DERF or someone copying his moronic style.

COVID killed a lot of people because morons like Fauci told people to stay away form hospitals until they were really sick. By that time it was too late. Democrat governors killed many elderly by placing infected patients in nursing homes.

Fauci and others killed people by prescribing only drugs Big Pharma wanted to push and not inexpensive drugs. The Twitter dumps are interesting. the vaccine creator was banned by non scientists, because they did not like the implication of his statements.

Anonymous said...

'I'm back!': Accounts for vaccine creator Dr Robert Malone and cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough are the latest to be reinstated to Twitter

Dr McCullough was deplatformed by Twitter employees who were nonprogrammers. We are not talking about smart people here, but they were savvy enough to social network as part of the leftists crowd. They saw McCullough as a threat to their Lord & Saviour Dr Fauci, who had very good grades in school but never invented anything. Would AIDS research gone along about the same or better without him? What can we say about Fauci except he was smart in school, a camera hog during the AIDs crisis and the highest paid employee of the US government? What has he done?

I would say Fauci is responsible for killing hundreds of thousands with his decrees.

Anonymous said...

In the poll as presented, Government.

However, not presented is the alliance between the Democrat/Socialist/Communist party and large corporations to suppress free speech.

Nor is the corruption of government officials including the judiciary.

Anonymous said...

all the Losers now ranting here. and lo! Trump is sinking within the GOP.bye bye Loser

Anonymous said...

Can you all be a little more civil?

Anonymous said...

Agree with the anti covid side.

You all lied one to many times. If you take it, you will not get the covid
Imervectin is pure animal medicine. Do not use it.
(Yes the japs are all stupid that's why they approved its use)
Lock downs and masks are mandatory and if you do not comply you are a danger to the people of the United States
So why did Sweden have a lower rate than Australia?

Why are all these sport people keeling over from heart attacks?

Last month the biggest cause of death in Alberta was

"unknown cause of death"
More than diabetes or heart disease.
This was the first time ever this has happened.

You covid shot Nazis suck.

You refuse to admit that something could be wrong here. You persecuted innocent people to ensure your narrative. You ruined people's lives

Nazis, Cheka, Kempi Tie, Gestapo. Ideological monsters with no sense of honor, integrity or loyalty to the truth.
Special place in hell for you all.

Anonymous said...

besides the crt stuff you are funny

Anonymous said...

Maybe I am , but check it out yourself. Everything I listed was true. This crap is so outrageous , you cannot make it up.

And still they double down on this incessant BS that:

the shots (they are not vaccines) were the best thing since sliced bread.

The governing powers did everything right and

that there are no ongoing side effects.