Tuesday, December 13, 2022

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz Says Russia Could Resume Business With Germany If It Ends Ukraine War

German Chancellor Scholz holds a news conference following a virtual meeting with G7 leaders in Berlin 

Reuters: Russia could resume business with Germany if it ends Ukraine war -Scholz 

BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Monday that economic cooperation between Germany and Russia could be possible again if the Kremlin ended its war in Ukraine. 

Scholz has said in previous speeches that the West would not lift sanctions imposed on Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine until Moscow withdrew its troops from Ukraine and reached a peace agreement with Kyiv. 

"At the moment the relations we have are being reduced, reduced, reduced," he told the German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations, referring to western sanctions on Russia that have quashed bilateral trade and investment.  

Read more ....  

Update: Germany should do business with Russia again – Scholz (RT)  

WNU editor: The last thing that is on Russia's mind right now is resuming business with Germany.


  1. Zieg Heil, Herr Scholz.

  2. EU=Pack-full of Jokers

  3. Most of the best ethnic and cultural Germans died for their country during WW1/WW2. For you basic bitch simpletons lingering here that dont have the cognitive capacity to interpret anything beyond a single factor analysis, thats not me advocating for Nazism...you fucking dipshits. Nazism was the platform of the day brought about by the conditions of the treaty of Versailles, then taken advantage of and pushed fourth by Hitler, and ended up being the hill on which the nation ended up dying. The only thing that remains now is a bunch of degenerate soy breath ethno-masochistic white communists who are obsessed with larping social marxism and getting fucked by refugees while handing their country, and ultimately the continent, to the poor oppressed barbarians of today. Germany and the EU as a whole can shut the fuck up 75 years ago, and keep their mouths shut in the decades to come.

  4. Well said, as a german I agree 100%. The foundation of germany was destroyed in two world wars. It will take decades if it's even possible to recover from those migration policies. 1.5 million people from foreign countries have to migrate to Germany that's whats on the news this year.
