Monday, December 19, 2022

German General Says His Tanks Are 'Kaput'

German Defence Minister Christine Lambrecht sits in a Puma fighting tank during her visit at Munster military base, in Munster, Germany, February 7, 2022. REUTERS/Fabian Bimmer/File Photo 

Politico: Our tanks are kaputt, German general warns  

During a recent exercise, all 18 participating Puma infantry fighting vehicles broke down. 

BERLIN — Maybe it’s a good thing Germany refused to send Ukraine tanks after all. 

German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht called an emergency meeting with her generals on Monday to discuss the latest crisis to befall Germany’s beleaguered military: broken tanks. 

The emergency meeting follows the leak of an email from a senior commander to the head of the Bundeswehr armed forces, in which he laments the sorry state of his division’s infantry fighting vehicles.  

Read more .... 

More News On Germany's Newest Tanks

Germany pauses purchases of Puma tanks after operational problems -- Reuters  

Technical problems plague Germany's Puma armored vehicles -- DW  

Germany pauses buying Puma tanks after mass breakdown -- The Guardian/AFP  

Puma tanks unusable: Is Germany's military unfit for action? -- DW  

Disaster as 18 of Germany's new advanced tanks break down during training -- The Telegraph


  1. There was a major report 3-4 years ago said the german tan force was at about 10% effective due to maintenance issues,\.

    It has been said here before...UE is in no shape to fight the Russians or anyone else i n a major war.

  2. Anonymous 6:06 is correct, same with their Navy, They are reaping what they sow. It was a job corp for a long time, not a real Military.

    Meanwhile Rommel rolls over in his grave!

  3. Yep, give peace a chance. Pathetic. Brought to you by globalist asshat libtards. Next they'll be condemning nuclear and petroleum-based energy. Oh, wait a minute ...

  4. Easy solution. have Germany ship the AFV and tanks to Poland. The Pollocks will fix them up and turn them over to the Ukrainians, who will put them to good use.

    Scholzy baby can imitate Merkel and put the cost savings to good use by funding young Muslim males to immigrate to Germany and rape women.

  5. What has happened to Germany? They are but a shell of the proud nation they once were.

  6. Alles ist kaput.

    Germany and the rest of the West are due for a rude awakening. If they come to or even if they don’t, the world that existed is gone.
