Monday, December 19, 2022

Good Times To Be An Arms Maker

DNYUZ/New York Times: Military Spending Surges, Creating New Boom for Arms Makers 

WASHINGTON — The prospect of growing military threats from both China and Russia is driving bipartisan support for a surge in Pentagon spending, setting up another potential boom for weapons makers that is likely to extend beyond the war in Ukraine. 

Congress is on track in the coming week to give final approval to a national military budget for the current fiscal year that is expected to reach approximately $858 billion — or $45 billion above what President Biden had requested. 

If approved at this level, the Pentagon budget will have grown at 4.3 percent per year over the last two years — even after inflation — compared with an average of less than 1 percent a year in real dollars between 2015 and 2021, according to an analysis by Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments for The New York Times.  

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WNU Editor: I have this uneasy feeling that in 2023 and beyond the only ones who will be making real money are those who manufacture arms, those who provide the materials that will be needed to manufacture arms, and those who provided the management, lobbying, and labor requirements to make the entire system work.


Anonymous said...

The beautiful thing is that the contractors like Boeing and Lockheed (officially) post losses on all their defense contracts. Efficiency is sacrificed at the altar of politics. A single door for an M-ATV will be shipped to three different factories in three separate states before it's ready for assembly.

So that begs the question, why spend millions on lobbying and bribery just to secure an endless string of money-losers? The taxpayer loses, the military loses, but the good old boys who did the initial handshake got a nice fat bonus.

The Chinese and Russians would have something to truly fear if we could ever go back to sensible procurement policies.

Anonymous said...

^ Some people have never been to a machine shop, worked with contracts or made a make/buy decision.

the longer the Russian War of aggression goes on the more vertically integrate manufacturing of these items will be. It will be under o roof and 10:23 will still be belly aching about something for a troll agenda or because it is a whiner.

Anonymous said...

Good analysis.

How does a lot of arms procurement work? It is like mafia bosses cuting up a " piece of the action or a territory.
Except house and senators are the mafia. That is part of the reason the costs are high.

Anonymous said...

10:50 loves a weak america. Easier to blend into the crowd.

Anonymous said...

why do so many use comment section to bitch, to whine, but never to offer a possible better course of action?
the Pentagon budget is always topped by billions in order for voting members of congress to bring home money for their states. We neglect domestic issues. This has been going on for years.

Anonymous said...


My father who works on cost cutting and sourcing of components for a major manufacture has always said you buy a lot of transportation for a little bit of money.

As the price of oil goes up, we may(will) reach a tipping point. Until then bloviating about how many times a part and then a higher assembly moves around is just that, bloviating.

If you bring every last manufacturing process in house, there are going to be inefficiencies due to trying to be good at everything (vs core competencies) and just big.

IBM split up into several units in the 1990s to combat bureaucracy. Of having too much overhead.

But 10:55 keep spouting. To here a person whine like you makes the rest of feel good.

Anonymous said...

Of course you're related to the pigs eating at our wallets. Makes sense now.

Anonymous said...

The question asked: why lobby?
two of the biggest lobby groups in our nation : NRA and the pharmaceutical industry. Why do they bother since they sell their products and get good money for those products?

Anonymous said...

The NRA does not manufacture guns. Ergo it does not lobby to sell guns.

Anonymous said...

nra in cahoots with industry
if you do not know this look it up

Anonymous said...

You have know idea what the NRA is. As it is I should sue you for violating my constitutional rights.

The NRA was established before the turn of the 20th century to promote education among other things.

You being fixated on the NRA shows how little you know. The are other gun rights organizations out including gay one like the Pink Pistols. This not about money.

Perhaps you want to be little more specific than just showing out the spiffy new word you learned, cahoots.