Monday, December 12, 2022

Has The U.S. Changed Its Position On Crimea?

Moon Of Alabama: U.S. No Longer Supports Fight For Crimea 

The U.S. seems to have changed its position with regards to Crimea. Blinken in August 2022: Secretary Antony Blinken @SecBlinken - 16:46 UTC · Aug 23, 2022 

United States government official 

In my remarks to the Crimea Platform Summit, I urged the international community to keep raising the costs and pressure on President Putin and his enablers until all Russian troops leave Ukraine. Crimea is Ukraine. That was our position in 2014, and it remains in 2022. Embedded video 

Same dude, yesterday: 

Secretary Antony J. Blinken With Editor in Chief Matt Murray At The Wall Street Journal CEO Council Summit 

SECRETARY BLINKEN: Our focus is on continuing to do what we’ve been doing, which is to make sure that Ukraine has in its hands what it needs to defend itself, what it needs to push back against the Russian aggression, to take back territory that’s been seized from it since February 24th, to make sure as well that it has the support economically and on a humanitarian basis to withstand what’s happening in the country every single day. That’s our focus.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor:I would not read too much on US Secretary of State Blinken's one remark on Crimea last week. But if it is repeated again. Yeah. It is a major change in the US position on Crimea.


  1. Too much blood has been spilled. Russia has to pay. Ukraine needs to get everything back and add Volgograd to it.

  2. When the policy fails the aims must change too. The USA won’t risk total war for Ukraine, despite all the bribery of the Biden mafia family. Russia appears set on total war inside Ukraine forcing the West to support about 40 million as refugees or destitute inside Ukraine. The USA was ideologically against the one tool that Putin feared, Putin saw it and has acted knowing Russia can wage war. Biden was against the USA oil n gas industry so oil prices are controlled by Russia and OPEC. Had the USA continued Trumps acceleration of oil n gas production Putin would have faced oil prices in the $40’s controlled by Washington DC. No war.

  3. Now is the perfect time for war; Russia is tied down.

    When did the Medes sack Nineveh? when the Assyrians were tied down fighting the Babylonians.

    Why should we let an aggressive, expansionist state the leisure to gobble up countries in detail?

    What if France and Britain had waited until 1942 to declare war against Germany for invading Poland? Would that increase or decrease their chance of prevailing or surviving as nations?

  4. White House Wusses getting cold feet. Joe Biden brought as weapon to a first fight as a teenager. Obama picked on a girl, but never a boy. So it goes.

  5. The thirst for blood is never ending this war would have been over in the first month but the great evil that runs the world is not satisfied....

  6. 12:43,

    Grammarly is your friend. Try it.
