Saturday, December 17, 2022

Here Are 5 Global Flashpoints That Could Explode In Early 2023

End Of The American Dream: 5 Global Flashpoints Which Could Absolutely Explode During The Early Stages Of 2023 

Will 2023 be a year when extremely destructive conflicts erupt all over the world? We are certainly already living in a time of “wars and rumors of wars”, and tensions are approaching the boiling point in a number of key global flashpoints right now. If several more major conflicts were to suddenly begin next year, we could potentially witness an extended period of geopolitical instability that would be unlike anything that we have ever witnessed. It is easy to start wars, but it is much harder to end them. If you doubt this, just look at what is going on in Ukraine. There is no end in sight for that conflict, and there are several other wars that could literally erupt at any time. The following are 5 global flashpoints which could absolutely explode during the early stages of 2023… 

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WNU Editor: The five conflicts/flashpoints are Ukraine, Iran, Taiwan, Serbia, and the China - India border. The number one conflict/flashpoint that has all of my attention is the Russia - Ukraine war.


  1. The Ukrainians ought to look at the Korean War for a model. Americans had overwhelming artillery to meet overwhelming Chinese manpower. Ukraine needs huge influx of artillery of all ranges out to 200 miles and ample drones to find targets.

  2. I would add 2 other conflicts to the list: Israel / Hezbollah now that Netanyahu is back. And the LOC between India Pakistan.

  3. Why because Israel only has problems, when Netanyahu is PM?

    Hezbollah has never attacked, when anyone other than Netanyahu has been PM. God's Honest Truth!

    1. I wasn’t saying anything against Netanyahu but in order to secure his new government he cut deals with the far right. A far right that wants to further expand into Palestine lands, which will agitate the region. Also if weapons being smuggled into Lebanon are chemical or large munitions then I would expect him not to tolerate it. He will show his strong hand after securing regional support, I just feel the response from his strong hand will be met with unexpected force.

  4. I do not know all the details of housing, but I do know some Palestinians get angry when Israelis buy their land.

    I have also read that Israel would not leave the north near the river due to water rights.

    Hezbollah will attack regardless, if new houses are built or not.

  5. Rissian will give up the war
