Tuesday, December 13, 2022

How President Trump Was Banned From Twitter

Daily Mail: Twitter banned Trump when 'activist' employees compared him to Hitler and Head of Policy said his term 'American Patriots' could be 'coded' as an incitement - despite execs saying he did NOT violate policy and while dictators could keep accounts 

* Part Five of the so-called Twitter Files dropped Monday afternoon 

* It details Twitter's decision to indefinitely ban Donald Trump, who was president at the time, from the platform  

* Internal correspondence shows those assigned to evaluate Trump's tweets didn't see proof of incitement of the Capitol riot 

* That didn't stop for massive internal calls to ban the president from Twitter  Twitter decided to indefinitely ban Donald Trump two days after the January 6 Capitol attack when rank-and-file employees compared him to Adolf Hitler and a terrorist leader - even though senior staff said said he didn't violate policy. 

The latest revelations of the platform's actions taken against the former president and conservative voices were detailed in the fifth installment of the Twitter files published on Monday afternoon. 

Journalist Bari Weiss shared internal messaging showing some staffers for the social media platform were concerned of the negative repercussions of banning Trump, including allegations of censorship.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Fifth ‘Twitter files’ release details furious debate to ban Trump — despite no policy violations (NYPost)  

Update #2: Twitter twisted its rules, ignoring objections from numerous executives in banning Trump (FOX News)  

WNU Editor: He has a point .... Elon Musk Says New 'Twitter Files' Show Trump Was 'Deplatformed' Under Pressure From 'Activist Employees' (Benzinga).


  1. But....Trump-Russia Collusion and Pee tapes!!! And the insurrection of Jan 6th when the 4th reich almost came to be! The party of communism and child fucking/butchery will castrate your sons, whore your daughters, degrade your country and its history and call you a big fat bigot in the process while trying to silence you every chance they get. Fuck the democrat party and its neo plantation of hive minded field hands; useful idiots. You cant share a country with these degenerates larping for "change". Post your black squares you galaxy brains.

  2. Stuff almost always leeks sooner or later. It would be damaging, if it existed and was in the public domain, to Trump (R). Yet we have never seen the pee tape.

  3. the truth of the pee tapes:
    Trump wears adult diapers

  4. And 11:56 blames Dewey. you are not funny dude. You need to be sent to the gulag like Poster. You suck at your job.

  5. Just remember this. The guys who ban trump..also the same guys who are feeding you msms news everyday. Thereby forming your opinions.

    Matthew. If you are young. One piece of a advice. Get out now while you still can.

  6. Yeah what he said. These guys are the ones fixing your kool aid.

    There is no bridging the gap between left right in the US. The one thing that is clear is Democrats are modern boshivics. Criminals, and should be treated as such.

  7. Trump was actually kinda popular (in a bemused sort of way) prior to running for president. And he knew just about everybody who was anybody. But the minute it became clear he was not going to be a puppet, the derangement syndrome kicked in and the powers that be declared war on the upstart.

  8. That's why most of voted for him. The majority of elites on both sides of the political spectrum hated this guy.

    Our reasoning was...hey if all these elites hate him...He must be ok.
    YES I am serious about this.

  9. Trump got voted in. Next election, he got roundly defeated. The public found out what he was really like.

    1. The. Ugly truth of it..He never had a chance.
      In over 50 years of watching politics I have never seen a president so maligned and hamstrung by the establishment. Russia gate, the Taliban Russia bounty, the Atlantic article about disrespect of ww2 vets and more much more

      The BLOB won on this one. If you support all that crap don't be happy about it. Because if they could do it to him ( a rich and connected person ) Just think what they could do to you or your kids.

  10. Democrats are modern boshivics. Criminals, and should be treated as such.

    right. they stormed The Capitol and tried to overthrow the election and now many of those perps pled guilty and are in jail...your pals!

  11. You sir are misinformed. That was a riot, not an insurrection
