Friday, December 16, 2022

Islamic State Deliberately Targeting Chinese Interests In Afghanistan

Smoke billows from a Chinese-owned hotel in Kabul following a bomb attack in the Afghan capital on December 12  

RFE: The Azadi Briefing: Islamic State Targets Chinese Interests In Afghanistan  

The Key Issue T

he Islamic State-Khorasan (IS-K) extremist group carried out a deadly gun and bomb attack on a Chinese-owned hotel in central Kabul on December 12. 

The Taliban said it killed all three attackers, and that two foreign nationals were lightly wounded. Beijing contradicted the Taliban by saying that at least five Chinese hotel guests were injured in the assault. 

More than 30 Chinese citizens were in the hotel at the time of the attack, according to a leading Chinese businessman in Afghanistan. The Emergency Hospital in Kabul said it had received three dead bodies and 18 wounded.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This is a major blow for the Taliban .... Big Blow to Taliban as China Orders Evacuation of its Citizens from Afghanistan After Kabul Hotel Attack (News 18). 

Islamic State Deliberately Targeting Chinese Interests In Afghanistan 

 Kabul hotel used by China nationals attacked as perceived allies of Afghanistan's Taliban rulers are targeted -- CBS News  

Five Chinese nationals were wounded in Kabul hotel attack - Chinese foreign ministry -- Reuters  

Beijing 'shocked' by attack on Afghan hotel hosting Chinese visitors -- France 24  

Chinese investors weigh risks after Kabul hotel attack -- Reuters


  1. Feels good to finally be able to say "not my problem".

  2. Haqqani Network camouflaging as ISIS in Afghanistan, under ISI's direction: Report

    The ISI, Pakistan as whole, the Taliban or China are going to pay. Maybe they will all pay for their Machiavellian schemes.

    1. Did you mean 'Pakistan as a whole?'
