Sunday, December 18, 2022

Jordan Bans TikTok Claiming The App Was 'Inciting Violence And Disorder' Over High Fuel Prices


Insider: Jordan bans TikTok claiming that app was 'inciting violence and disorder' after a police officer was killed in protests over high fuel prices 

* Jordan issued a "temporary ban" on TikTok after videos of protests and unrest were shared, per the Associated Press. 

* A high-ranking police officer in the Jordan city of Maan was killed amid protests last week, per the AP. 

* Truck drivers are striking and protesting high fuel prices across the country and region, the AP reported. 

The Jordan government announced a "temporary ban" on TikTok, claiming the app failed to "deal with publications inciting violence and disorder," according to the Associated Press.  

The announcement on Friday came after a high-ranking police officer was killed amid protests over high fuel prices in the city of Maan. 

The city's deputy police director, Abdul Razzaq Abdel Hafez Al Dalabeh, was shot and killed on Thursday, per the Associated Press.  

Read more ....

 Jordan Bans TikTok Claiming The App Was 'Inciting Violence And Disorder' Over High Fuel Prices  

Jordan bans TikTok after police officer killed in protests -- AP 

Jordan blocks TikTok after cop killed in protests over fuel hikes -- Times of Israel  

Jordan arrests 44 after deadly fuel protests -- Arab News  

Killing of Jordanian police officer in riots is major incident -analysis -- Jerusalem Post

1 comment:

  1. Do whatcha gotta do, King. The people will support you on this one. Maybe fill up the truckers' tanks and say, Back To Work!
