Friday, December 2, 2022

Kremlin 'Insider' Says ‘Critically ill’ Putin Plagued With Cancer Fell Down Stairs And ‘Soiled Himself’

Vladimir Putin tour a Moscow lab on Thursday, one day after suffering a fall at his home via REUTERS  

NYPost: Putin fell down stairs, soiled himself as speculation over worsening health grows: report  

Russian President Vladimir Putin fell down the stairs and soiled himself this week amid mounting speculation that his health is declining, an anti-Kremlin Telegram channel with apparent links to his security team reported. 

Putin, 70, suffered the unfortunate fall at his Moscow official residence on Wednesday evening, according to the Telegram channel “General SVR,” which purports to be run by a former Russian spy. 

The ailing Russian leader allegedly fell down five steps before landing on his coccyx, or tailbone.  Although his security guards immediately rushed to his aid, the impact of the fall caused Putin to “involuntarily defecate” due to “cancer affecting his stomach and bowels,” according to the channel. 

Read more ....  

Update: ‘Critically ill’ Putin falls down stairs and ‘soils himself’ while plagued with cancer, claims Kremlin ‘insider’ (The SUN)  

WNU Editor: I have lost count over the years on how many reports I have read that Putin is sick. Putin is dying. Putin has incurable diseases. Etc.. 

I an sure Russian President Putin is going to die one day. But he looked good yesterday (see above picture from Reuters).


  1. You can do a lot with drugs although they lose effectiveness.

    Biden looks more like shit everyday

  2. "Biden looks more like shit everyday"

    is that why his numbers go up daily and Trump's down?


    11:38 has Biden 11.6 points under water. The MSM has had to move Heaven and Earth to get results that good for President Pretend.

    The trend line is down again.

  4. Correction:

    538 not 11:38

  5. I never actually get who these insiders are. You'd think the moment someone talked he'd be immediately identified by the system. There are only so many who could talk. I usually suspect these insiders don't actually exist but they're just made up by the press. Or if there is a source its most definitely not anyone on the inside. A classic misdirection tactic is to claim you have a spy on the inside. Actual spies on the inside are rare and they're most definitely not given away like this.

  6. "But he looked good yesterday (see above picture from Reuters)."

    Of course he did. Every photo, every appearance is carefully planned, orchestrated and all to prop him up.

  7. WNU editor = Insider. Don't ya know? Jimbrown

  8. fake news and gossip, Putin is stronger and more powerful, he only leaves power when he wants to, man is the father of Russia since the KGB

  9. Hiiiii de ho ..putin smells like flowers
