Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Kremlin Says US Patriot Batteries Delivered To Ukraine Will Be Destroyed

RT: US missiles in Ukraine will be targeted if delivered – Kremlin 

The US media has claimed that a Pentagon plan to arm Kiev with Patriot systems is being finalized 

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday that Russia would certainly target US MIM-104 Patriot missile systems in Ukraine if the weapons are deployed in the ongoing conflict. Media reports in the US have indicated that plans to deliver the air defense system are in the final stages. 

Peskov’s remarks came in response to a question about how Russia would react to the possible delivery of the US-made systems, which Kiev currently does not have. Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who is now deputy chair of the National Security Council, stated in late November that such weapons and their crews would be legitimate targets if a NATO member were to deliver them. 

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Update: Kremlin Vows To Take Out Patriot Batteries If US Sends To Ukraine (Zero Hedge)  

WNU Editor: I have been doing some reflection and research on this story today. Specifically listening to US experts on the Patriot system. A lot of details are now coming out that the main stream media is ignoring. 

For one. If the decision is made to send these systems, the experts doubt that Ukraine will be getting the top of the line modern US Patriot missile batteries. They will be the older versions, or what has been given to the National Guard. 

Another thing about the Patriot system is that it cannot be integrated into Ukraine's current air defense network. What this means is that it will be a stand-alone system. It is also a system that will be giving out a huge signature when operational, something that I am sure the Russian military will be working hard to detect.

On top of that. The missiles that the Patriot uses are also incredibly expensive. It makes no sense to shoot a $1 million missile at a $25,000 drone. 

Bottom line. Sending the Patriot Missile system to Ukraine will be sending a huge message to Russia, Ukraine, and Europe. But it is not going to alter in anyway the eventual outcome of this war.  

Update #2: I agree with the tweet below:


  1. Unlike the American MSM I find plenty to fault the Biden administration. Why didn’t it follow the successful Trump policies? Why didn’t it increase training and weapons shipments once they convinced Putin was building an invasion force? Why didn’t Biden demand of europe they foot the bill for much American weapons to Ukraine? Ukraine matters far more to Europe than USA. For 30 years europe cheated out on defense spending.
    Why sanction Russian oil? It’s been ineffective. Why not ramp up American oil n gas production via a war on regulation and obstruction? This would drop oil n gas prices with immediate loss of revenue to Russias war economy. Biden’s sanctions are hurting Europeans not Russians.

    1. Yep!! You've pretty much nailed it. I might add that Trump's diplomatic initiatives were working or at least had a good chance to work until the media and leadership class undercut them.

    2. Trump refused to give Ukraine aid while sucking up to putin. Stop lying

    3. Trump didn’t give aid? See that’s the trouble with his critics. Ignorance. It was Obama who refused LETHAL aid. Trump provided Javelin antitank weapons that Obama refused, by the thousands. He started the LETHAL aid early in his term. Your comment is such a great indicator of why America is so misguided. You know nothing but partisan rage.

  2. Just like the HIMARS? Lol…They haven’t destroyed even a single one.. and don’t forget there are 10 dummy HIMARS for every real one and it will be the same for the patriots…

  3. What would Trump have done if Russia invaded Ukraine while he was in office?
    zip.squat.nada. nothing. zero
    time to stop badmouthing Biden and note that DeSantis now runs circles around Trump in polls among the GOP. Trump, to be blunt, is a LOSER

    1. It's hard to "know" what would have happened ad Trump wasn't in office when the invasion took place. Based upon observations we can make inferences. 1.) Had Trump's diplomatic efforts been fully supported or at least not interfered with from the start I believe the tensions surrounding Cold War 2 would've been defused and we may have even ended Cold War 2. Essentially with sounder diplomacy the shooting war never happens. 2.) Trump made clear that he didn't want Russia to invade Ukraine. Since the Russian leadership respects and fears Trump the invasion as it doesn't happen. Of course we'll never know for certain.

  4. Maybe they want US forces targeted and potentially killed. This would give them an excuse to escalate the conflict perhaps even to the use of US nuclear weapons against Russia or it's forces. From a cost/benefit and a risk l/reward analysis our involvement here never made much sense to me.

    If the US leadership class is desperate to cover up something nefarious perhaps it makes sense. I see no reason to die for these people.

  5. ukraine already lost this war they are playing with lives and russian fire, of course everything for embezzlement of money and weapon black market, ukraine terrorist country today unfortunately

  6. Pretty shallow thinking and on purpose?

    The Patriots would be there to shoot down not only drones but the cruise missiles and potentially Russian bombers and fighters.

    Russians are firing cruise missiles as well as drones or is that news flash?

    It is not only the cost of your missiles versus their missiles but what the cost of what their missile might destroy. That would give you a more complete analysis.

    Like Rumsfeld said you go with the army you have not the one you want. There will be follow on system that will be more cost effective and this damn war that Russia forced on the world will be the impetus.

  7. Why should a government get aid if the cover up corruption for people in your country?

  8. Silly comment from WNU , cruise missiles and Russian bombers or fighters also valuable priority targets. The drones are bringing handled effectively by manpads and the German systems. Russia won't take any out, dejavu himars lol

  9. 2022 at 6:06 PM

    trump policy? kiss Putin's ass
    Trump was a puppet and that is why even in the GOP now he is a LOSER

  10. 6:28 is a russian troll or the porn master (D)
