Thursday, December 15, 2022

Kyiv Prepares For Nuclear War

Shelters, backpacks and FM radios: Kyiv prepares for nuclear war  

Washington Post: Shelters, backpacks and FM radios: Kyiv prepares for nuclear war 

KYIV, Ukraine — If Kyiv is struck by a nuclear bomb, Serhiy Dmytruk’s biggest fear is that he will survive the blast but die anyway from hunger, thirst or cold. So he has assembled what he calls his “nuclear backpack,” crammed with enough provisions and survival paraphernalia to sustain him for a week. 

Pavlo Huk, who has compiled a similar pack, is kitting out the basements of his home and his workplace, and has rented a house in the countryside, planning to equip it with a generator, food and fuel. His worry is that friends and relatives who have shrugged off the threat will die because they have not taken similar precautions. 

Natalia Sulima fears only that she will be separated from her 5-year-old son Misha, and she has been drilling him on the importance of following adults to a shelter whenever sirens sound. She won’t let him out without his own version of a nuclear backpack, a school bag containing a Transformers toy, snacks, and his favorite book: “The Boy Who Lives With Dragons.” 

“I can’t believe we have to do this. In the 21st century,” Sulima said.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Ukraine is not the only country preparing for nuclear war .... Russia is preparing for nuclear war (Insider).


  1. The USSR only beat the Germans on the Eastern front with British and American war material.

    Russians should reconsider.

  2. If nukes are used Ukraine is finished as a nation. Basic rule of nuke warfare. A few nukes are enough.

  3. US general already said if Russia used nukes they would sink the Black Sea fleet and nuke Russia…. Wouldn’t be a good move

  4. If we nuke Russia, better dig a deep hole here.

  5. If Russia nukes the US, better dig a deep hole in Moscow.

    1. That will show em huh let's end it all for our egos

  6. Pavlo should be more worried that someone will steal his generator.

  7. First, you don't know what an ego is.

    Second, the only way to beat or backdown a dumb as a rock bully is to play chicken and go all the way if you have to.

    Me, I married the enemy (a communist). It isn't about "Look they are different, Let's mess with them."

    My problem is with assholes like you (9:12) and Putin.

  8. Sound words, if it weren't coming from the dumb as rocks bully.

  9. Putin is the bully. Ask

