Monday, December 19, 2022

Moscow Warns Washington That Its Dangerous Policies Are Putting The US And Russia On A Brink Of A Direct Clash

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. © Russian Foreign Ministry/TASS  

RT: US has put itself and Russia ‘on brink of direct clash’ – Moscow 

The Biden administration is lying about maintaining contacts between the two countries, the Foreign Ministry says 

Washington’s “dangerous and short-sighted policy” has put it “on the brink of a direct clash” with Moscow, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Monday, responding to US State Department spokesman Ned Price, who blamed Russia last week for making relations between the two countries “unstable and unpredictable.” 

Moscow has “genuinely strived” to make relations with the US stable and predictable, even as Washington stokes tensions, Zakharova added.

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Kremlin is reacting to US reports that US military/intelligence personnel are currently present throughout Ukraine. 

Moscow Warns Washington That Its Dangerous Policies Are Putting The US And Russia On A Brink Of A Direct Clash  

Washington's dangerous policies put US and Russia on brink of direct clash — diplomat -- TASS 

Russia and US on “verge of direct clash” says Kremlin spokeswoman Zakharova -- Euroweekly News  

Russia, US On Brink Of Direct Clash Due To Its 'dangerous, Short-sighted' Policies: Moscow -- Republic World


  1. Russia really doesn't understand that they are the aggressor/invader


  2. Getting closer to conflict??

    A repeat from the Putin visit to Belarus

    an addition...

    Why take just your MOD and not your Minister of Foreign Affairs or Head Trade Minister?

    Lukashenko and Putin talk in person. Why?

    They could have done this by teleconference or phone. But no, they meet in person.

    again Why now?

    Zelinski closed down any opposition media down months ago.

    As expected.

    Now the Baltics and Moldovia are doing the same.

    Why now after all this time?

    Henry Kissenger , one of the most connected people on this planet calls for urgent peace talks.

    Why now?

    Russians building "dome" over nuke plant to protect it from Ukie arty

    Why start this early when the area could still be contested?

    Small things can POSSIBLY (no certainty) lead to larger things

    All the above are suspicious when you combine them with...

    Ukie generals saying they do not have enough manpower and there is a pending Russian attack.

    US subs and Nato warships increase activity in Med and N Atlantic.

    More US troops have been moved into Europe.

    Turks want to talk with Syrians all of a sudden want Russian help to do so.

    US aircraft are possibly being pushed hard in training missions as seen in the last three accidents of key USAF stealth fleet.

    Russian strategic bombers are lined up at airfields ready to move.

    Putin cancels key speech to nation.

    Mr. Putin has all day conference with his high command...then the next day goes to see his closest ally and neighbor.

    Congress is on break soon.

    If you want to add to this List, please feel free to do so.

    BS posts like.. Joe follows ice cream truck and stumbles

    are not helpful at this point and please refrain from doing so.

    December 19, 2022 at 2:27 PM

  3. Russian troll alert at 4:21

  4. Russia can barely handle Ukraine they don’t want to mess with even a single f35..,
