Friday, December 16, 2022

New U.S. Defense Policy Bill Mandates The Pentagon To Prevent Taiwan Takeover By Military Force

Taiwan’s indigenous fighter. CNA Photo  

USNI News: U.S. Defense Policy Bill Calls for Pentagon to Prevent Taiwan Takeover by Military Force 

The U.S. military must be able to deter China from taking over Taiwan by force, a provision in the compromise Fiscal Year 2023 National Defense Authorization Act stipulates.

In accordance with the Taiwan Relations Act, the U.S. must “maintain the ability of the United States Armed Forces to deny a fait accompli against Taiwan in order to deter the People’s Republic of China from using military force to unilaterally change the status quo with Taiwan,” according to the policy bill’s explanatory statement. 

For decades, the U.S. has maintained a “strategic ambiguity” policy toward the island. But China’s military build-up in recent years has pushed lawmakers and U.S. military officials to voice concern over China’s push to reunify Taiwan with the mainland.  

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New U.S. Defense Policy Bill Mandates The Pentagon To Prevent Taiwan Takeover By Military Force  

U.S. Upgrades Ways to Arm Taiwan Against China With New Legislation -- WSJ  

U.S. Senate passes annual defense bill with Taiwan provisions -- Focus Taiwan

US Senate passes defense bill with US$10 billion in military aid for Taiwan -- Taiwan News  

Congress clashes on loans vs. grants for Taiwan military aid -- Defense News

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If it is a mandate, then the Pentagon has a quasi-blank check.

Judges always intervene on mandated spending elsewhere saying the government has to pony up.

People are always complaining the budget can't be cut, because social security or something lese is mandated and can't be cut.

Congress passed a law just like it did for social spending. It therefore it can't be cut.

Seems to me that Congress is passing the buck.