Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Poland Aims To Create The Largest Land Army In Europe

Warsaw has said it will raise its target defense spending from 2.4 percent of GDP to 5 percent, much higher than most EU countries | Valda Kalnina/EPA-EFE  

Zero Hedge/Remix: Poland Aims To Create Largest Land Army In Europe: Report 

Poland aims to create the largest land army in Europe, according to a report from French newspaper Le Figaro, with the paper’s analysis pointing out the colossal weapons contracts signed by Warsaw, including tanks, self-propelled guns, and missile launchers. 

Poland is arming quickly and securing weapons at a frantic pace. Prior to contracts with South Korea, Warsaw ordered 250 American Abrams tanks to replace the old Soviet-era tanks it sent to Ukraine and other heavy equipment. 

The deal signed with the South Korean company Hyundai Rotem for the delivery of tanks will amount to four times the number of Leclerc tanks currently used by the French army.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Meet Europe’s coming military superpower: Poland (  

Update #2: How Poland aims to develop the largest land army in Europe (Limited Times)  

WNU Editor: Poland is definitely spending the money.


  1. The Poles fought the Russians to standstill in the 1920s.

    Russia has partitioned 4 times in the last 400 years, which is once every 100 years on average.

    Oh look, it is a new century. Russia will be wanting to partition Poland again!

  2. A Polish soldier goes to apply for a driver's license.
    First, of course, he had to take an eye sight test.

    The optician showed him a card with the letters

    'C Z W I X N O S T A C Z.'

    'Can you read this?' the optician asked.

    'Read it?' the Polish soldier replied, 'I know the girl.'

  3. A maid decided to ask her Polish mistress for a raise.

    The Polish wife asked "Why do you think you deserve a pay increase?"

    Maid: "There are three reasons. The first is that I iron better than you."

    Wife: "Who said that?"

    Maid: "Your husband."

    Wife: "Oh."

    Maid: "The second reason is that I am a better cook than you."

    Wife: "Who said that?"

    Maid: "Your husband."

    Wife: "Oh."

    Maid: "The third reason is that I am better at sex than you."

    Wife: "Did my husband say that as well?"

    Maid: "No, the gardener did."

    Wife: "How much of a raise do you want?"

  4. Vladimir Putin is working in his office planning to improve the situation in the Ukraine war, when the ghost of Stalin suddenly appears.
    Putin takes the opportunity to seek advice: “Stalin, what happened? why are things not working out for us?”
    Stalin gives him the advice: “First, send 5 million Russian soldiers to their deaths during the war, and second, paint the Kremlin blue.”

    “Why blue?” asks Vladimir Putin angrily.

    “I knew you wouldn’t have a problem with the first part,” chuckles Stalin.

  5. These jokes were good. Had a good laugh.

    Many thanks!!

  6. "The Poles fought the Russians to standstill in the 1920s."

    The Poles also murdered over 20,000 Russian POWs in concentration camps after this war concluded. They took the uniforms from the Russian POW and left them to starve and freeze in filthy camps. I don't believe Poland has ever formally acknowledged or or apologized for these atrocities.

    1. Not condoning genocide but didn’t learn the first time

  7. In 1944 the Russian had the ammo, fuel and food to attack the Germans in Warsaw, but preferred that the Germans fight the partisans

    i.e. the Russian operations were geared not to liberate but to take over and subjugate.

    Also there was the Russian massacre of poles called the Katyn massacre.

    For everything you have or may have, I can match it and raise you one.

    But you are stupid like putin, so you will be back.
