Friday, December 16, 2022

President Biden Tells African Leaders That He Plans To Visit Their Continent And Ravenously 'Eat Your Food'

President Biden turned heads Thursday by jokingly telling a group of African leaders that he may “eat all your food” when visiting the continent. Sipa USA  

NYPost: Biden jokes about plan to visit Africa, tells leaders he may ‘eat your food’ 

WASHINGTON — President Biden turned heads Thursday by jokingly telling African leaders that he plans to visit their continent, but that he might ravenously “eat your food.” 

The 80-year-old president made the crack while dusting off one of his frequent laugh lines about being a “poor relative” who overstays his welcome but drew groans from those in attendance due to food insecurity in Africa. 

“I’m grateful that all of you have made the journey to Washington for this summit, and I’m eager to visit your continent,” Biden told the representatives of 50 African nations at DC’s convention center after hosting them for a White House dinner Wednesday night. 

“As I told some of you — you invited me to your countries. I said, ‘Be careful what you wish for because I may show up.’ The poor relatives always show up. The wealthy ones never show up. The poor come and they eat your food and stay longer than they should.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I guess he forgot that large swaths of Africa are currently experiencing a famine.


  1. I am somehow convinced that he will find some food available, and he plans to help that group of nations get American aid for their problems. Compare to the previous president.

  2. Another white patriarch nazi out to colonize africa and steal their resources/food while everyone else is starving. Are the democrats going to restart the slave trade again and reopen their plantations? Or are they too focused on larping black squares and rioting for "change" and either fucking children or covering for the many in their party who do?

  3. This is the leader of the dummycrats.

  4. Compare Donald Trump to Biden.

    I think 11:10 AM is too utterly stupid to watch the documentary "Poverty Inc." and understand it.

    Or maybe the creep does, but the lucre is just too good.

  5. Biden will help. Trump did squat.
    anon: I knew all about the materials your film Poverty is all about and knew about it long before that film. For a quick assessment of poverty and where it is, simply check to see who has and has not electricity.
    Again, knowing some of the causes of poverty is not the same thing as doing something about it. Biden will do something about it. Trump did nothing.

  6. matthew: you are simply a disgrace!

    “This year alone, the US has committed nearly $11 billion in humanitarian and food insecurity assistance — food security assistance, assistance to deal with food insecurity — including a dramatic surge on the horn of Africa. And this afternoon, I’m announcing an additional 2 billion,” the president said.

    Biden added that there was “enormous potential” for Africa to use its “significant unused arable farmland” to “feed its people and also help feed the world.” He said the US Agriculture Department would help promote that effort.

  7. 12L:39 your exposition shows that you have not watched the documentary "Poverty, Inc." and do not have a clue what it is about.


    12:52 is another failure to launch. 12:52 obviously hates African farmers and Africans in general.

  8. 12:20 12:52

    And you are nothing more than an emotional queef of an ideological yeast infection coming from a giant echo chamber of lies and feelings. Congrats. Good boi. Keep advocating sending those aid packages to Africa for decades like you have been, while everyone there stands around waiting for them in perpetuity and continue to rely on the West to feed themselves. Youve already lost Africa to China, in case you got distracted by drag queens and naked children. None of Bidens crap will ever mean or do much of anything. Just because someone advocates spending other peoples money on failed utopian pursuits while everything falls apart here at home doesnt mean that good decisions are being made. Just look at the "for the people act" and other nicely worded democrat bills. Spend lots of money, then things only get worse because your party's policies are never actually calibrated to addressing actual issues; just put on a facade for the stupid while all the socialites cling their glasses and fuckwitted white liberals like yourself get together in circle jerk of back pats for all your successful larping. But if spending $120k on getting a pallet of food to Africa while $119k goes to a bunch of professional useless people to make it happen along the way is your measure for success, then cant argue with stupid :/

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. 12:39

    Yea "Biden will help" starting 6 years in. God your fucking dense. And I am not even trying to insult you. But if the glowy square and all your friends say so....then what good is an argument in leu of feelings and mass affirmation. So a good measure of poverty is to use a baseline of who has electricity? So all those on free housing and electricity in the cites are not impoverished, but all those in places like west virginia, the mid west etc who had much of their grid fall apart or get decommed and forgotten have white privilege and are doing fine? Maybe pay a little bit of reparations? Then you proceed with "Again, knowing some of the causes of poverty is not the same thing as doing something about it."

    Just wow hahahahhahaha!

    Take a seat.

  11. "Be careful what you wish for, because I may show up." Indeed.

  12. call all the names you will but answer this:
    What has Biden promised? What did Trump do?
    now go think of more insults as an answer.
    Energy poverty assessment in the Belt and Road Initiative countries: based on entropy weight-TOPSIS approach | SpringerLink

  13. 3:07 I will call you names. Fred you are a stupid, ignorant Straight Party Line Democrat Voter.

    You have not much between the ears.

    Given the source, we all know you do not read the linked article, so do not say that you did.

  14. Sir--
    Biden promising aid to African nations. Here is Trump by contrast

    WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump referred to Haiti and African nations as "shithole countries" during a meeting with a bipartisan group of senators at the White House, a Democratic aide briefed on Thursday's meeting told NBC News.

    Trump's comments were first reported by The Washington Post, which said the nations referred to by Trump also included El Salvador.

  15. Isn't Fred so cute and seemingly polite when he starts off with his signature "Sir--"

    Afterwards he deflects, dissembles and lies.

    El Salvador is a shithole country. It has the largest gang in Central America. It has teenage member in the US who murder other teenagers here in America.

    Unlike other Caribbean or Central American countries it does not have a big tourism industry although it has a Pacifica coastline. It is too dangeorous to vacation there.

    So many people leave El Salvador to illegally enter the US.

    So yes El Salvador is a shithole country. Trump was right about El Salvador.

    Now, however under Biden and the Democrats, the US is becoming a shithole country.

    Fred you are not known for being smart.

    Fred the socially promoted K through 16/17.

  16. Putnam is ight. Get a clue, people. And for one of you--try VAGISIL
