Sunday, December 18, 2022

Russian Arms Manufacturers Switching To A Six-Day 12-Hour Working Week

FILE PHOTO: Workers assemble tanks on the production floor at the Uralvagonzavod plant in Russia's Urals. © Sputnik / Sergey Mamontov  

RT: Russian arms manufacturers switch to six-day working week  

Shifts at defense enterprises may also be extended to 12 hours, a trade unions chief says  

Arms manufacturers in Sverdlovsk Region in Russia’s Urals are working longer weeks due to the conflict in Ukraine, a trade unions chief has said. 

Enterprises that are busy fulfilling government defense orders “are now working six days [a week] instead of five,” Andrey Vetluzhskykh, the head of the federation of local trade unions, said during a press conference in Ekaterinburg on Friday.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Kremlin has opened the spigot on defense spending .... Russia to spend $600 billion on defence and security by 2025 - source (Reuters).


  1. I would like to see China have a bigger role with the Russia/Ukraine (NATO) conflict. As terrible as those countries might be, I’m not sure how long we are going to last in the west when Trannies get “elected” into the White House and purple haired freaks sit at the head of our militaries. What a joke we have become. It really is a sinking ship

  2. 10-4 good buddies but who is first anon referring to?

  3. Putin opened a spigot on a country with a GDP less than Italy's GDP

    Mapped: The World’s Countries Compared by 20 Key Metrics

    1. $600 billion is more than enough to turn what’s left of the Ukraine into a bomb crater on the map.

  4. In that case it will be a bomb crater sitting next to a bomb crater to its Northeast.

  5. TBH, most large manufacturers are 24 7

    1. In Godless countries that don’t observe the sabbath, yes, you’d be right. And those countries are doing an excellent job destroying themselves from within so Russia doesn’t need to worry too much about them.

  6. "TBH, most large manufacturers are 24 7"

    4:05 AM has a point. Local tractor factory works 3 shifts during lean or good years. The night shifts have fewer people during a recession, but it is easy to round out to a full crew when things pick up.

    However, printing that the da tank factories run 6 days a week make good press.

    Russian better make 4 coffins for ever tank them make, because we will make an artillery shell for each tank. Second though skip that. When a Russian tank get hit, there is not much left to bury.

  7. don't like the nation or its leaders?
    move. get the fuck out. we had trump. did you like that? he is gone. most did not like that.

  8. Fred being Fred at 2:54.
