Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Russian Media Reporting Another Drone Attack On A Russian Military Airbase

© Telegram  

RT: Drone targets another Russian airfield – governor 

A fuel tank caught fire following an attack in Kursk Region, which borders Ukraine 

An airfield in the city of Kursk has been targeted in a drone attack, according to the governor of the southwestern Russian border region. The strike comes just one day after two Russian airbases in Ryazan and Saratov Regions far from the border were targeted with similar weapons. 

As a result of a drone attack, an oil storage tank caught fire in the area of the Kursk airfield. The fire is being localized. All emergency agencies are on site,” Kursk Region Governor Roman Starovoyt said in a Telegram post on Tuesday morning around 7:20am local time.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: LIVE UPDATES: Oil Tank Caught Fire Near Russia's Kursk Region Airfield After Drone Attack - Governor (Sputnik) 

Update #2: Drone attack ignites oil storage near airfield in Kursk, governor reports (TASS)  

WNU editor: It is early morning in Moscow, and it is only now that Russian news media is covering yesterday's Ukraine drone attack on Russian strategic nuclear forces at the Engels-2 airbase. And the coverage they are giving this story is to downplay it in the same manner that Western media was downplaying it yesterday. 

But on Russian social media the mood is completely different. 

Many in Russia believe this attack on one of its nuclear triads was known and green-lighted by Washington. That for all intents and purposes. The U.S. and its NATO partners are now deliberately targeting and attacking Russia's nuclear forces. 

I cannot tell you enough on how dangerous the situation is becoming. 

And now more Ukraine drone attacks are being reported. 

One more note. When these attacks were happening Putin was on the Crimea Bridge inspecting the repair work that was being done from October's attack. Putin then basically disappeared and has not been seen since. Something tells me that he flew out of Crimea in Russia's Doomsday plane, and is now underground somewhere.


  1. "And now more Ukraine drone attacks are being reported. "

    OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! this the worst.

    We can hammer the Ukrainian power grid and civilian telecoms until they are dust, but 3 drones to Russia and that is it baby! That is crossing the line.

    Y'all come across as big babies.

    Does Russia have any capable diplomats or good America watchers? I tend to think not.

    Russia thought it was great fun to snipe at both Republicans and Democrats in the social media sphere to see if they could get get infighting going on. It is cheap and it is great fun. I agree it seems like a good strat.

    Time to take official Russia to task.

    So the FSB feeds Christopher Steele a line of bullcrap, which he happily dishes to Washington Dc. This disinformation campaign decisively tip power to the Democrats. By t2018 or 2019 the Russian could have laid it out to the world, that agents White, Agent orange and Agent Pink fed these lines of bullcrap the Steele and discredited the turkey.

    But no they kept mum and though it was great fun, so now the Democrats are in charge and the Russian wondered what happened we are heading into war.

    Another thing is that Russia was communist for so many years and people grew up studying scientific communism. Russian leaders grew up studying scientific communism an did not see the coming of American oligarchy?

    Maybe they did. Maybe they though they could take advantage of the situation and take Ukraine before the oligarchy sorted itself out and became fully functioning. Seems or seemed like a good bet with the cardboard cutout in the Oval Office.

    In August 2020 I said America was or was becoming a Banana Republic. I joked it was the same as Banana Republics of yore, It was a new and improved Banana Republic with nukes! I didn't like it, but I thought I was ahead of the curve in realizing it. I feel so stupid.

    I feel stupid, because I didn't game out what becoming a Banana Republic/oligarchy fully meant. It feels like watching a train wreck in slow motion and you are on the train.

    America has been on life support since 2010 or 2013 (Tea party to the shit show RINOs: Cantor, Boehner, Paul Ryan, Mittens...). All those America watchers and all the FSB can do is needle.

    Welp, the Russian got the oligarchy they helped create. Time to eat your cake.

  2. My sources say Ukraine is preparing hundreds of these drones for attacks deep into Russia…

    1. I hope Russia nukes the Ukraine off the map. That country served as the wests whore for years now. Money laundering, prostitution and god knows what else. Russia has the right to exist on its own terms and the problems they have are not ours to fix. Where’s all the bleeding hearts for Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and almost Syria?

  3. My sources said your sources were merely flatulence moving to that empty space between your wars.

    Ukraine does not have hundreds of these jet drones.

  4. Tupolev Tu-141

    Number built: 142

    142 is not hundreds

    Just looking at the things the materials and labor are not there for there have bene hundreds manufactured

    Logistics my man

  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tupolev_Tu-141

  6. 6 shot down or blown up.

    Maybe 136 left?

  7. Meanwhile back on the homefront, the US suffers a devastating defeat from which it may never recover.

    <Journalism Competition and Preservation Act

    "Meta says it will remove all news content on Facebook if Congress approves Journalism Competition and Preservation Act "

    As much as I hate Zucker bot, this is bad news.

    If Woodward and Bernstein were something other than Democrat party hacks, the MSM would still have a readership.

  8. "I cannot tell you enough on how dangerous the situation is becoming. "

    Is WNU worried only of Russia being hit? And did not feel the same for Ukraine lives and being destroyed.

    I thought we are being fair here..

    1. He's talking about the nuke exchange sitch dumbass

  9. I blame Obama for Hunter Biden and Gen Grant

  10. Those bombers aren’t part of Russias first or second strike against the USA. Too vulnerable. Just move them further from Ukraine and problem solved. Macron just muted a path for ending hostilities. Joe Biden and Schulz approve of it. Let’s dial down the nuke scare and dial up negotiations to end this war on terms Ukraine and Russia won’t like but will accept.

  11. Editor is correct.

    You have to look at this from both sides.

    The ukies have every right to do this.

    The Russians are rightly shocked, why? because it is part of their nuclear triad and probably thought this was not in the mix. Bad expectations.

    As far as this escalating it could happen.

    But in reality, it is not a big deal. A couple of air craft damaged and a few guys dead.

    But remember in Viet Nam when the commies hit our air bases with sappers? The press went nuts. Same thing here. A tragedy for those who died, otherwise a tempest in a tea pot.

  12. Macron and Scholz are not going to do squat. Scholz is s surrender monkey. Yeah, I know what you are thinking. You are thinking only the French have those. Maybe the cancer metastasized. Scholz has been a surrender monkey, since he was mayor of Hamburg.

    Macron is a tough guy only domestically. Internationally he is weak putz. Is he a weakling since he is gay? If he were of the Castro (Castro district of San Francisco) type, he would not be a wuss. Macron will roar at Elon Musk domestically, but internationally he will bat his eyes at Putin.

    Bottom line is that Scholz and Macron are not going to negotiate anything with Moscow.

  13. @8:20 AM

    Pretty much. The author of this blog is Russian. Is a Russian patriot with 'fenced' views but those views always fall on the side of Russia. He supported the annexation of Crimea and he claimed that large portions of the populace in Ukraine also supported it's own country adopting Russian way of life, which has hilariously been the cornerstone as to why Putin thought he could just walk all over Ukraine. Apparently WNU thought the same (as his commentary shows before and just as the outbreak of hostilities began).

  14. Yes about the author. Unfortunately, he has ruined a great blog.

  15. You polocks are dumber than dirt. This guy has a right to his own shouts on this stuff. Just because he does not agree with you , you all get upset. Grow up. I did not see a lot of crimeans fleeing or a guerrilla war going on in Crimea the last 5 years.
    Though I did see that in ukie land before the war started.

    He is a Canadian... you jerks can't read... eh..
