Thursday, December 15, 2022

The US Congress Wants A Bigger And Stronger Navy Than What The US Navy Has Requested

The Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser Vicksburg undergoes scheduled maintenance. (MC3 Brandon Roberson/U.S. Navy)

Defense News: Congress is building a stronger fleet than the Navy 

Last Thursday, the House voted on a final National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal 2023 that secures the future of our naval fleet for another year.

Fortunately, Congress improved the Navy’s FY23 inadequate shipbuilding plan in critical ways: We rejected the Navy’s ship construction plans, their decommissioning schedules, force structure proposals and overarching threat assumptions. 

While the ink dries on the FY23 NDAA, it is prudent for the Pentagon and Congress to be clear on the final outcomes of this cycle. 

If the Navy refuses to learn lessons from this year, it will be doomed to repeat them.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: How many ships? Lawmakers set to establish independent commission to study Navy’s structure (Breaking Defense)  

Update #2: Bill Defining Navy’s Role Pave’s Way for Bigger Budgets, Says Author Rep. Gallagher (USNI News)  

WNU Editor: If I am an Admiral and Congress wants to give more money. I say take the money and run.


  1. Take the money and run?

    You will have to go back later for more funding for personnel to crew the ship and more OM&N.

  2. Someone in the navy forgot the money is fake.

  3. The money is no different than is has been in 1/2 a century. For the life of him 3:19 could not explain what money is. Sad.

  4. 2027 is to late. I say China will move on Taiwan in some manner (total blockade) before 2024 if it looks like Biden runs and is going down in flames for a second term. No way they will for a Republican to get in and turn around Bidens military and domestic communist agenda disaster.

  5. With the current situations around the world I appreciate to have a congress that wanting to have a bigger navy as ever.

    It seems to me that WNU is not happy for US Navy to be stronger.


  6. 1. It was Ike (gop) who warned of the military-industrial complex. Congress always gives more than the Pentagon requests to help the war industries back home.
    2. a bit early to tell us who is to win the next presidential election.
    My guess--and it is only that--is that Trump will not be the GOP nominee. I think DeSantis might well get put aside for Tim Scott.
    If that happens, will Trump run as third party nominee? and, if so, what will be the impact on the election outcome?

  7. WNU editor
    If I am an Admiral and Congress wants to give more money. I say take the money and run.

    It seems to me that WNU is not happy for US Navy to be stronger.

    How did you get this idea from what the WNU editor said?

    He said ABSOLUTELY nothing to make any logical, sane person think that he was not happy with a strong Navy.

    Your analysis has NO correlation with the WNU editor except the fact that they are in the same area in this blog.

  8. I havez no problem with the Pentagon budget (I had a relative in charge of a Navy destroyer in WWII). What I point to is the billions added onto that budget that was NOT requested. There are, after all, issues that need addressing at home, ie health care, infrastructure,social security, immigration etc

  9. The gope is on 5:19
