Tuesday, December 13, 2022

U.K. General Reveals For The First Time That Royal Marines Have Taken Part In 'High-Risk' Covert Operations In Ukraine

The commandos were involved in 'discreet operations' and performed tasks in a 'hugely sensitive environment', according to Lieutenant General Robert Magowan  

Daily Mail: Royal Marines have taken part in 'high-risk' covert operations in Ukraine, general reveals for first time 

* Lt. Gen. Robert Magowan said marines went to Ukraine before and after invasion 

* He said they operated in a 'hugely sensitive environment with high level of risk' 

* Royal Navy spokesperson told MailOnline marines did not serve any combat function 

Royal Marines were deployed in Ukraine and took part in a series of 'high-risk' operations, a former commandant general has claimed. 

The commandos were involved in 'discreet operations' and performed tasks in a 'hugely sensitive environment', according to Lieutenant General Robert Magowan - Britain's Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff and the former head of the Royal Marines. 

The Ministry of Defence reported earlier this year that a small contingent of British military personnel was stationed in Ukraine to secure the British embassy in Kyiv and maintain the government's diplomatic presence there.  

Read more ....  

Update: Royal Marines deployed to Ukraine for 'high-risk covert ops' against Russia (Express)  

WNU Editor: What a crazy admission to make public with tensions sky-high right now between Russia and NATO.

The Ministry of Defense is now jumping in and doing damage control. Saying that these Royal Marines were not involved in "combat operations" in Ukraine. Sighhh .... it is too late. Whatever explanation or clarification is made no one is going to believe it. 

I know the Kremlin believes it was Britain that carried out the attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines and on the Crimea Bridge. Lt. Gen. Robert Magowa's boasting is going to only feed the Kremlin narrative that NATO is at war against Russia.


  1. WNU Editor: What a crazy admission to make public with tensions sky-high right now between Russia and NATO.


    Russia went into Ukraine without a declaration of war, but be that as it may, someone is worried about other niceties of the rules of war are met.

    Is it crazy? It might be. Sometime I think crazy is okay. People will size up the situation and punch out (win or lose) or they will back the fuck off. It happens in the human world and the animal world. Lions will back off from a tiny jackal snapping at it. They are not sure what to make of it, but it saves the lions life, when the jackal is foaming at the mouth.

    Again. Srsly?

    So Putin is smarter than Hitler was. Hitler just should have called the invasions of Czechoslovakia and Poland, special military operations. Problem solved.

    On top not declaring war, Putin also attacked from a neutral country (Belarus).

    Maybe the general is crazy or maybe he is crazy like a fox. Maybe the British government is telling the Russian high command "Fuck you escalate, if you want."

    I never read the book "Just and Unjust Wars". It was assigned, bit between work, family, school and the side hustle job, I never read it. The side hustle job is the one that required it. I want to read it to see what it says about attack from a neutral (3rd party) country. Has WNU read it. Maybe WNU can enlighten us on why it is moral and proper to attack from neutral countries. I am all ears.

    1. Russia cannot win a conventional war with NATO, not by a long shot. If I was Putin, I would use a handful of tactical nukes and be done with it. Otherwise it’ll be a slow grind with NATO until nothing is left

  2. Royal Marines are used in many cases like the SAS. They become an intel asset instead of a military one.

    They do dirty jobs that need to be done, but no one wants to claim. or need plausible deniability.

    The Commandant was very indiscreet in doing this. It breaks protocol and jeopardizes the thin veil of non -involvement of the West.

    He should be reprimanded for this foolishness.

  3. 10:04 He did not say such a thing.
    His concern, and rightly so,

    is when the kabuki theater of the non involvement of the West ends...What then?

    WW3? Maybe. Do we want to take that chance?

    Me no, I have stated before. Ukraine has no strategic value for my country. Why should 320mil US citizens possibly get nuked over the Ukraine?

    As a matter of fact, the Baltics, Czech, Serbia and all the rest really have no strategic value for the USA.
    Did it matter when the Soviets exercised control over this area? No. I lived through that era and the average American citizen was not affected at all by that political situation.

    But you start launching Nukes all our lives will be dearly effected.

    So it remains.

  4. If he was ordered to speak out thusly, it tells the Russians that the ante will be raised until the Russians fold.

    The Ukrainians fight. They win. They bleed. This is not Afghanistan except for the Russians.
    Poland and Romania are not Pakistan.

    Since Joe Biden and the people controlling him are dickheads, they can't fix the economy. So they need a win somewhere and Ukraine will be it.

  5. How is Biden going to win in Ukraine?

  6. You have a lot of brash optimism. From the outside looking in I do not see the Ukrainians winning this war.

    But first I would like to hear more on why you think the Ukrainians will win. Are you doing military manpower or equipment comparisons?
    A comparison of economic production of military equipment and material combined with the potential manpower draft potential?
    On what metrics are you basing military victory?

  7. Putin throws a few tactical nukes around and no one including Putin will worry about him having cancer.

    I keep telling WNU that Putin is not dealing with sane people. Playing hardball won't work. I am saying that Putin is sane either.

    What I am saying is that the Democrats a full of hubris and other bad traits. They will not knuckle under. Playing chicken with them won't work.

    You can try and it will be fun to watch.

  8. 10:54 and 11:04

    Thank you for your input and insight. My only addition is this. In America we are dealing with ideologs, in the same mold as the Founders of the NKVD.

    These people do not care about people's lives, the truth or anything else of value.. They are ideological monsters and the only imperative they have is their ideology. They will do anything as long as it fits the ideological movement.

  9. Dear 11:15,Russia is going to lose.

    I have said the worst thing that can happen is the Russians win. The second worst thing that can happen is the Americans win.

    Anywho you are going to lose, but you cans till do your part and do a data dump ion Biden's greed with the Russians and Chinese.

    Hinter Biden received 3.5 million from Elena Baturina. Was it for one of Hunter's paintings or is he just that good in bed? I bet you want to bed Hunter. If is was not for a painting or gigolo services, perhaps it was a bribe or a pay off.

    PS: How would you rate Hunter in bed. You ought to know.

  10. 12:04. Nothing you said makes any sense. Could you repeat it again please.

    Because the post was void of any facts or logical conclusions

  11. Hunter Biden receiving 3.5 million from Elena Baturin is not a fact according to 12:15.

    Gotta love these moscovite interns

  12. Sooner or later the Ukrainian army will run out of men. Russia has a bigger industrial base & more manpower. Forgone conclusion. Support for war with Russia will evaporate in the west when it looks likely to go nuclear. Keep ducking.

  13. Cmon wnu ...they should publicly boast nothing putin can do about it. He invaded a sovereign nation and deserves whatever he gets

  14. The Kremlin knows exactly what happened with the nordic stream. They ordered it.

  15. It does have a larger population. Opening the prisons is one way of filing your ranks and not touching your economic work force.

    Russian industrial capacity is untouched and probably now at full production. it is also been put on a war economy status.

    Ukraine is being bled to death. Its industrial base is destroyed.

    If it was not for the west they would have nothing.

    Time is on the Russian side...for now.

    Those are facts
    If you want to bet on a lame horse. You go ahead, that's your call.

    This is not Ukraine's war to win.


    Those are facts

  16. Great Britain here is boasting of their power to influence events in Ukraine with their military. What a noble nation--not!

  17. Th Brit leadership is nuts.

    Their MOD said last week that the military is so small all it is good for is tottering around. On a large scale ground war he is absolutely right.
    Now your spec ops missions. These guy are some of the best. The destruction of Nord stream has their finger prints on it. The SBS crossings of the Dnieper river shows their skill. You really do not think the ukies did that by themselves? Those guys could not get out of a bath tub with out help.
