Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky Named Time's 2022 Person Of The Year

Time: Volodymyr Zelensky Is TIME's 2022 Person of the Year 

The call from the President’s office came on a Saturday evening: Be ready to go the next day, an aide said, and pack a toothbrush. There were no details about the destination or how we would get there, but it wasn’t difficult to guess. Only two days earlier, on the 260th day of the invasion of Ukraine, the Russians had retreated from the city of Kherson. It was the only regional capital they had managed to seize since the start of the all-out war in February, and the Kremlin had promised it would forever be a part of Russia. Now Kherson was free, and Volodymyr Zelensky wanted to get there as soon as possible.  

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Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky Named Time's 2022 Person Of The Year  

Volodymyr Zelensky is Time Magazine's 2022 Person of the Year -- BBC  

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is named 'Person of the Year' by Time magazine -- Insider  

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is named TIME magazine’s person of the year -- CNN  

Time Magazine Names Ukraine's Zelensky 'Person of the Year' -- Moscow Times/AFP 

Time magazine names Volodymyr Zelenskyy 'Person of the Year' -- DW  

Volodymyr Zelenskyy and 'the spirit of Ukraine' named Time magazine's 2022 Person of the Year -- SKY News  

Volodymyr Zelensky named Time's 2022 Person of the Year -- Axios


  1. hahahahahahahah! Con man of the year would be more appropriate!

  2. Well deserved…. Like Dave defeating Goliath.. everybody loves an underdog story

  3. Putin wins hands down as warmonger in chief.


    1 Second Chechen War
    2 Russo-Georgian War
    3 Russo-Ukrainian War
    4 Syrian Civil War
    5 Russo-Ukrainian War

    Putin is quite the war monger. Hitler would be proud.

  4. Note where those wars were. All Russian border states except for Syria. Perfectly understandable. Needed intervention to protect and ensure friendly allies on your border.

    Spheres of influence.

    Un like the USA and it's " Rules based order" where you invade other counties at will all over the world, Iraq, Afghanistan. Somolia, Yugoslavia Grenada Libya, Panama and more just because you can and feel like it.

  5. Yet the butcher/beggar of Kyiv is honoured like Hitler was. Remember folks, this loser is trying and has tried to start a nuclear war between the East And West. Time magazine is an absolute disgrace

  6. You rattle of lists and provide nothing to support just like Fred, who is fact free.

    Afghanistan did not deserve to get invaded? Pray tell.

    Somalia was not an invasion. It was a UN mission to resource millions of starving people after a Russian client state became a failed state.

    I'll give you Libya, that was an Obama fuck up. Obama resisted going to Libya, but then the Italian OM, French President and Samantha power talked him into it. R2P being the 'reason'.

    Iraq had it coming. Iraq invaded 3 countries and attacked a 4th. Iraq did not live up to the terms of the armistice it signed.

    The US was invited into Grenada and averted a massacre. Little commie fascists hated the West so much that when the dust settle, they moved to the West.

    Yugoslavia. I hated t see the Croats and Serbs fight, Europe whined about and did all of nothing for a year or two. The logistics would not have been hard for Germany or France, but they declined to do anything but whine. The Serbs got a raw deal when fighting the Bosniaks. But the Left is stupid that way. the Croats were also fighting the Bosniaks, but the Left did not come down near as hard on them.

    I like how 10:55 is sticking up for Pineapple Face the drug lord.

  7. Something is wrong.

    "Russia continues to suffer from low morale and economic strain due to poorly-implemented mobilization. Russian sources continued to report instances of low morale in the Russian forces including one suicide, another attempted suicide, and multiple deaths due to alcohol abuse among the mobilized.[74] Russian media reported that a Russian mobilized soldier accidentally killed another servicemember in a training accident at a training ground in Luga, Leningrad Oblast on December 6.[75] A Russian source reported that the Russian National Guard deployed to entertain children in Elizavetino, Transbaikalia, because all male breadwinners were mobilized in that town.[76] Another Russian source stated that villagers and local officials have supported the livelihoods of struggling families of the mobilized by sharing in tasks like slaughtering pigs on a farm or catching crucian carp.[77] One Russian milblogger lamented that poor Russian cities are subsidizing mobilization by “plugging holes from the last crumbs” while Moscow Oblast has a multi-million-dollar budget.[78]"

    My 2 cents is that Russia should have a GDP 5 times that of Canada. It does not.

    Right there that should give pause to Putin and the oligarchs that maybe they should not shear the sheep clear down to the 1st or second layer of skin. Just a thought. What are the odds any of those assholes ever sheared sheep?

    1. Canada is one of most indebted nations on earth, and is the only G7 nation with 0 gold in reserves. Russia will win the long game as NATO is nearly out of ammunition for Ukraine. The US army hasn’t faced a formidable military force since Vietnam and look how that one turned out. Russia is facing the whole of NATO and is pulling through. Good for them.

  8. Russia is borrowing money while hoarding gold. It will not end well for russia,

  9. Let's remember Pearl Harbor as we go to meet the foe/Let's remember Pear Harbor/
    As we do the Alamo

  10. ^^ Fred is up and posting before he has the first tranche of smut ready.

  11. You are wrong and miss the point. Russian intervention was based on a direct threat to their border lands.

    US intervention? Well Somalia, that turned out great, we accomplished alot there HA HA HA... . And what was there reason again because no one remembers.
    what a waste.

    Panama? That was a direct threat to what... The canal? Maybe. More likely it was a Bush vendetta.

    Iraq. There were no weapons of mass destruction a lie
    Grenada?? really?? sorry one invited us into that nation. Or do you me a proclamation from the OAS after the invasion happened you better re look that one Bud.

    Bottom line how were the majority of nations we invaded in the last 40 years a direct threat to the USA?

    Did Yugoslavia have a border with the US NO. Was there a direct threat of war spilling over to the US Mainland.


    But in the Russian case these were logical and valid concerns.

    Your critical thinking skills are off.

  12. Iraq. There were no weapons of mass destruction a lie

    WMDs were not the only reason. There is the issue of the broken armistice. You ignored it. You are a fuckhead of a debater.

    Grenada?? really?? sorry on

    We were invited in. read your history, fuckhead.


  13. Grenada....NO we were not invited in. By who? A ufo committee? Name the source.

    Somalia, You can call it what you want.

    Oh its a special operation or it is an intervention. Those are weasel words.

    You are sending troops into another country without that country's permission....What are you doing? Invading.

    Saying Iraq had weapons of mass destruction's NOT a lie?
    So Collin Powell was telling the truth when he testified in-front of Congress and the UN??

    Oh yeh, I am sorry, I forgot about those 30 H bombs up in Taji..

    You really are stretching this with gas lighting. What source do you have? None, because there is none.

    Broken armistice in Iraq? When?? Our Troops sure did not see a broken armistice while sitting on the Kuwait border...

    You get the Dick Cheney in BS award.

    As a special plus....... I bet you believe the BS about Sadam being in league with Bin Laden too, don't you.??
