Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Ukraine President Zelensky Visits The Eastern Frontline City Of Bahkmut


Daily Mail: Zelensky visits Ukraine's 'frontline fortress' which has long eluded capture by Putin: War-time President praises 'superhuman' troops in unconquered Bakhmut who have fended off Russian 'meat-grinder' 

* President Volodymyr Zelensky visted Bakhmut today to praise his troops 

* This was despite Russian artillery booming in the background 

* The Ukrainian President described the city as as Ukraine's frontline 'fortress' 

* Vladimir Putin will meet senior military officials to weigh up assault on Ukraine 

 President Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday visited the eastern frontline city of Bakhmut, now the epicentre of fighting in Russia's nearly 10-month invasion of Ukraine.  

Zelensky met military officials and handed out awards to Ukrainian servicemen, who have been holding back a fierce and months-long Russian campaign for the city. 

To gain control of the city, Russia is believed to have relied on mercenaries, prison conscripts and newly mobilised soldiers to send waves of attacks against Ukrainian positions.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: As this blog predicted a few weeks ago. Bakhmut is now the biggest battle in the war. Even bigger than the battle for Mariupol. There are tens of thousands of soldiers fighting for this city, and from what I am seeing and reading the casualty numbers are horrific for both sides. 

Ukraine President Zelensky and his Generals understand this is an important battle that they must win. Hence his visit. If Bakhmut falls it will the risk the complete collapse of the entire front in this part of Donetsk. The Russian Generals, needless to say, are also aware on how important the battle for Bakhmut is, and have also committed a number of their best forces into the fight. 

The consensus is that the Russian military will succeed in taking the city in the coming weeks. I say wait and see. This war is very fluid, and anything is possible in the coming weeks. 

Ukraine President Zelensky Visits The Eastern Frontline City Of Bahkmut  

Ukraine war: Volodymyr Zelensky visits front-line city of Bakhmut -- BBC

Zelensky visits Bakhmut troops, venturing close to bloodiest fighting -- Washington Post 

Zelensky makes surprise visit to besieged eastern city of Bakhmut -- The Hill  

Zelensky visits Ukrainian troops in frontline city of Bakhmut -- UPI  

Zelenskyy slams Kremlin for sacrificing troops in the ‘meat waves’ of Bakhmut -- Politico.eu  

Zelensky: 'Bakhmut remains hottest point on entire front line' -- The Kyiv Independent


  1. "If Bakhmut falls it will the risk the complete collapse of the entire front in this part of Donetsk. "

    You keep saying that.

    The Russian have built 3 lines of tranches. You don't think the Ukrainians have trenches and hardpoints behind Bahkmut>?

    The layered defense around Severodonetsk was one reason it took the Russian so long to take it.

    Of the Russian may break through Bakhmut, a tried and true tactic is to launch offensives elsewhere to take pressure off. the Ukrainians might be ready to go now elsewhere., but are content to attrite some more and keep a breakthrough in the hip pocket for when it is needed.

    During the Battle of the Bulge German units attacked the the north portion of Elsborn Ridge. The had no hope of a breakthrough there. It was costly, but it was done to take pressure off the attacking German units in the rest of the Bulge. Any American units defending against a heavy attack could not send units south to the Bulge.

    The Ukrainians are not the only one having to make choices. The Russians will have to too.

    Those trenches the Russians are digging. They won't help. You have not learned the lesson.

  2. Anon 11:20
    I am not the one who is talking about the consequences if the Bakhmut frontlines collapse. I am only quoting what the Ukrainians and Russians are saying.

    That is why there are now tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers in this fight. That is why Zelensky visited today. Even Ukrainian politicians are saying this battle is a meat-grinder, and vital for Ukraine.

    This is now the biggest battle of the war. And its outcome is important to both sides, but more so for the Ukrainians. This is a fight that they must win if they have any hope for eventual victory.

  3. You can follow people with good tracks records and those people can lead you astray intentionally or unintentionally.

    Russia is running nout of ammo in Bakhmut. Russia is stripping the Caucasus of anti-terror units. What I hear is cavitation.

  4. Wnu , even if ukraine loses this city it will at this stage be mostly symbolic. The other ukranian cities are now so heavily fortified Russia won't be able to take them after the horrific losses in men and equipment they've taken in this battle.

  5. The Russian's are using this area as a grinder.
    Ukies need to hold a delay force and attack from some other point.

    This area is about as maneuverable as the Somme after the push had ended
