Wednesday, December 14, 2022

US State Department Cable Admits They Are Struggling To Track Ukraine Aid

Politico: U.S. cable warns of major barriers to tracking Ukraine aid 

The State Department cable surfaces amid growing calls for strict oversight of the money and weapons flowing to Ukraine. 

American officials are turning to everything from blockchain technology to Ukrainian soldiers for help as they struggle to track the billions of dollars in U.S. weapons and other aid flowing into Ukraine, according to a State Department cable obtained by POLITICO. 

The Biden administration also plans to tap a still-unnamed U.S. firm by February to implement a special three-year initiative to help the oversight effort, according to the “sensitive but unclassified” document. 

The Sept. 6 cable from the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv is blunt in describing the challenges facing U.S. officials trying to watch every penny as Russian drones and missiles bombard Ukrainian cities. There are, for instance, severe limits on the number of American officials in the field and a number of security constraints on their movements. It’s also hard to find contractors willing to work in high-risk regions or set up in-person meetings with government officials, civil society leaders and others receiving the aid, the document states.  

Read more ....  

Update: US struggling to track Ukraine aid – Politico (RT)  

WNU Editor: I am involved with a group in Montreal that is sending badly needed pharmaceuticals and other medical supplies to Ukraine. We estimate that about 40% of what we send disappears. I would not be surprised if this same percentage (if not more) is what is happening with the aid that Washington is sending to Kyiv. Probably a higher percentage when it comes to the cash that is being given.


  1. There is this, who is so concerned that 40+% of American aid might be stolen. They probably cannot sleep at night it just gnaws at them something fierce.

    On the other side the Russian must have 40+% going to waste, because so much of what is pulled d out of storage is junk. then there is the equipment mobilized men are given, It is horrible. Some of the lucky ones literally get scale mail armor that for Russia is 1970s tech boy armor.

    I will tell the concerned handwringers and bellyachers this. The safer and more stable Ukraine is. that is when they get a proper anti-air going, more and more inspectors will go in and track stuff and that 40% will go down.

    Further 40% is a big number. What was it in Iraq? What was it in Afghanistan? What is it in the domestic US budget? I can tell you it is not zero.

    I hate to tell you what I paid for stuff overseas in a competitive bidding process.

    I am so happy someoneis a concern troll. Who are they trolling for?

  2. I'm not concerned. Cut the Ukies off and save your money.

    It is another corrupt rat hole like Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. They were black holes and why should we repeat that idiotic process again.

    As for Russian corruption.. we don't care. That's not US money being wasted. That's a Ruskie problem. Sucks to be them.

  3. Russian troll alert at 12:13

    1. Liberal totalitarian alert @12:39

  4. Prediction: By sometime in March the Russians will be kicked back to their starting positions.

    Many Russians know this.

  5. The Biden government could not care less about tracking the tens of $billions in materiel and cash flooding into Ukraine.

  6. i like the Russian troll kitchen sink approach. It smells of desperation or the cologne Axe.

    On a related topic how is the North Korean ammo Putin is buying, heard tell the Koreans are cutting corners.


    I don't get it with the weird NK shell projection.

  8. North K probably has millions of rounds in storage. A function of keeping workers busy in munition plants for over 70 years. But the quality and condition of those munitions?

    That is the question.

  9. Trump Hoarded Most Of The $147 Million In Small-Donor Money He Raised For Himself
    The much-touted super PAC he created spent only $15 million on GOP candidates in key Senate races, and nothing at all on Herschel Walker’s runoff.

  10. I blame Veronica Lake

  11. Fred (9:44 AM) still has TDS.

  12. 2:02 is a confirmed troll

  13. In your eyes I am a troll. For me that is a badge of honor considering who you are.

  14. Yes, your mentor who realizes he failed to make you into a thinking human being
