Sunday, December 4, 2022

U.S. Troops Have Now Shfted To Combat Mode In Lithuania

Soldiers hold Lithuanian and U.S. flags during the opening ceremony of the U.S. army camp Herkus, in Pabrade, Lithuania, August 30, 2021. REUTERS/Janis Laizans  

Al Mayadeen: US troops in Lithuania shift from deterrence to combat mode 

Lithuania's Chief of Defense Lt. Gen. Valdemaras Rupsys said on Friday that American troops stationed in Lithuania have shifted from deterrence to combat mode in light of the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine. 

 "Earlier, the key factor was deterrence... Then, there were forces that were mainly responsible for training us, getting familiar with the place, conducting tactical tasks. 

And now, when the situation has changed, those troops and equipment are deployed so that they could be used in a fight immediately," Rupsys told Lithuanian National Radio and Television. 

The Lieutenant claimed that the growing presence of US military forces across the European continent is an outcome of the current situation and "enemy threats" and does not imply that US forces are switching to active defense.   

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Not a good sign at all.


Anonymous said...

Meanwhile the chinese are calculating the available reserves and planning accordingly their inevitable assault on Taiwan. Iran is also waiting to see if it should shoot first or wait for Israel to shoot first. There are only so many US troops available.

Anonymous said...


Putin went the Hitler route, which is actually a very commonly tread path. Putin looked Biden in the eye and determined he was skittish and went ahead with his empire building. Putin must of also assumed that the powers behind the throne where cowards too. Biden is a cardboard cutout and the group behind him can be ascertained and analyzed but it is more iffy than judging just one man. That group is nebulous and could be ever shifting. Who is in charge? Ron Klain? Obama? A committee? Jill is just the day nurse who gets to attend the glitzy balls and have First Lady added to her list of achievements on her tombstone.

The power behind the throne is probably Obama. Obama's slamming of Joe Biden while stumping for Warnock probably gives the game away. The Russian have a psychological write up of Obama? Doesn't everybody? we could or should assume that it is an accurate one.

But here is the kicker, Does a leader type act differently, when they are the shikken shogun or something like that and not the emperor?

Obama himself said he would like to sit back in the shadows and run things and so not in the limelight getting all the slings and arrows. In that case would Obama be bolder or more reckless? Has any psychological write up of Obama taken that into account?

Remember Biden not Obama is holding the bag. He will get blamed. So if Obama is running things behind the green curtain is he bolder/reckless?

The Russians either have to have a path to victory or they need to pack it in.

Anonymous said...

One step closer to a nuclear exchange wise guy, use your head.

Anonymous said...

Sends weapons to Lithuania. Has desert color on tank....

Anonymous said...

If US troops are deployed near a combat zone they must be deployed ready for combat or not at all.

Anonymous said...

Very scary stuff. Does this mean that they have begun doing the Maori hakka dance that the NZ Adern govt has been filmed teaching the Ukrainians?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

2:03 PM

was it Obama or Trump who said to throw away the constitution>
stop being so silly and blaming Obama. He won a second term. And Trump? Oh. He wants to overthrow the constitution if storming the Capitol has not worked out.

Anonymous said...

When I joined the army I had to swear this oath:

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

If Trump wants the Constitution to be scrapped that means that he is a domestic enemy. Lock and load.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats are the enemy. They broke Campaign Finance Law and the 1st amendment.

About the desert colored tank. Ever heard of repainting? I bet the Lithuanians can help temp out on that

I remember one time our unit got a paint job in Hong Kong.

Moral of the story is you do not have t0 get a pain job at home base. You can do it on the fly. Yeah that has to be pointed put to morons and trolls.

Beside depending on the imaging used, paint does not make a bit of difference, but harp on it. Good dog.

Anonymous said...

Obama has stated he wanted to throw away the constitution. He bellyached and moaned like satanic devil that the US Constitution is charter of negative rights.

Faithless interpretation of the meaning of the constitution and the execution of law is treason. Democrats have been doing that for a long time.

Anonymous said...

when did Obama say I want to throw away the constitution?
He might have said, as many of do, I would like to see it changed, ie so that the electoral college deleted. Why should N. Dakota has the same number of senators as California or Texas?
changing as a desire is hardly the same thing as saying toss the constitution and make me your leader

Anonymous said...


I already told you dipshit.

The Notorious RBG said the same thing as Obama.

Anytime a lib MFer say the phrase "charter of negative rights", you know they are anti-constitution.

There is no way to get from the US Constitution to a "charter of 'positive' rights" except through the destruction of the US constitution. PERIOD

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that's funny

Anonymous said...

Oh give us a break. Libs are on a war path against the second amendment, and the first amendment means nothing to the crooks. Why not release all the E-,mails and CCTV footage of that day? What’s Pelosi hiding?

Anonymous said...

Bankrupt country dependent on the US, as if Russia would lose is a joke... hahaha

fazman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
fazman said...

Use your head hey, MAD doctrine still applies , Putin knows it , nato knows it

Anonymous said...

wank wank

Anonymous said...

December 5, 2022 at 12:25 AM wank wank
December 5, 2022 at 12:41 AM drunk?
December 5, 2022 at 12:46 AM dummy--pay attention!

If I see you, then 1 or 2 governments see you. Here is the deal. They can ping your computer. They are just thinking how best to use you.

Anonymous said...

Then why are we risking global destruction over a nothing country like the Ukraine? What do we get out of it?