Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Canada's Borders Are Wide Open For Immigrants


CTV: Canada welcomed record number of immigrants in 2022  

Canada welcomed a record number of immigrants last year, hitting its target of 431,645 new permanent residents and exceeding 2021 numbers, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) said Tuesday. 

In line with the government’s plans to settle more immigrants to help address labour shortages in various sectors, targets will increase every year for the next three years, according to its 2023-2025 Immigration Levels Plan, tabled Nov. 1, 2022. 

The new goals are to bring in 465,000 new permanent residents this year, 485,000 in 2024, and 500,000 in 2025.  

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WNU Editor: I am helping a number of my Ukrainian relatives right now to immigrate to Canada. So I am very familiar on the process and what to expect. 

For one. There are no great jobs there for immigrants to have. Most are low pay, minimum service jobs. When government politicians and the media say immigrants are needed to help address labour shortages, they are lying. What they want are low-wage workers. 

Two: It is expensive to live here. There is a critical housing shortage right now (link here) that is forcing many immigrants to regions of Canada that is not their first, second, or even third choice. What also does not help is inflation. The unofficial rate (and the one that I believe in) is around 15%, not the give or take 7% that the politicians and media are talking about. 

Third: To get ahead in Canada get ready to roll up your sleeves and work like hell at low wages for the next 5+ years. If not. Be prepared to live in poverty dependent on government assistance for the rest of your life.


  1. Sounds like the U.S.!!

  2. One of the new managers of empire, Blackrock, have decided that Canada needs to have a population of 100 million in order to "weather the oncoming storm".

    Larry Fink's closest operative (and rumored successor) Mark Wiseman triumphed in having this policy adopted by the Canadian government as official policy in 2016 while installed as the head of Trudeau's Advisory Council on Economic Growth.

    Formerly, Wiseman served as the president and CEO of the Canada Pension Plan, who's own numbers suggested that CPP payouts will be unsustainable within as few as 20 years.

    Wiseman has since been moved on to oversee the main investment crown corp in socially conservative Alberta, where the Century Initiative plans to increase the population of the metropolitan areas from 2.8 million to 15.5 million (+454%).

    Of course, the pugnacious voters of Alberta have no interest in losing what little autonomy they still maintain in order to fund the CPP ponzi scheme with imported laborers. So the managers of empire must be placed closely to direct the flows of financial and political capital without causing unrest.

    As for the Century Initiative: their work goes on. Wiseman remains the chair despite his duties in Alberta, though the day to day influence operation in Ottawa continues under the watchful oversight of the husband of BlackRock's Asia Pacific chief.

  3. No condos for rent in my Calgary neighborhood as the government has filled every vacancy with black refugee families. Some of us work and save our entire lives to live like we do and it gets handed to them for free on our tax dollars. What a ridiculous system, not to mention unsustainable. Oh, and the crime rate is on a steady incline as well. Awesome
