Sunday, January 1, 2023

China Accuses US Of ‘Slander And Hype’ Over Recent Air Incident With A US Air Force RC-135 Over The Sout China Sea

A US Air Force RC-135 aircraft flying close to Chinese Navy J-11 fighter jet over the South China Sea. © Chinese Defense Ministry  

Global Times: US spy plane makes dangerous maneuvers against monitoring PLA airplane during close-in recon on China 

It was a US RC-135 spy plane that engaged in dangerous maneuvers against a Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy J-11 fighter jet which was monitoring the US aircraft during the latter's close-in reconnaissance over the South China Sea, and the US intentionally misled the public, the PLA Southern Theater Command said on Saturday, releasing a video documenting the incident. 

The US statement disregarded the truth and is pure slander and hype, said Senior Colonel Tian Junli, a spokesperson of the PLA Southern Theater Command, in a statement on Saturday.

Tian's statement is a response to a recent US military statement claiming a PLA Navy J-11 fighter jet came within six meters of a US Air Force RC-135 aircraft over the South China Sea on December 21, forcing the US aircraft to take evasive maneuvers to avoid a collision in international airspace, Reuters reported on Friday.  

Read more ....  

Update: China accuses US of ‘slander and hype’ over air incident (RT)  

WNU Editor: The Chinese have even supplied video (see above albeit only 28 seconds worth).


  1. Just like Ukraine, the US government is feeding their general public with fake news.

  2. and your evidence?

  3. Let's see
    The Turner joy and maddox were attacked.
    Nothing at all happened to the USS Liberty
    Iraq had wpns of mass destruction
    Sadaam was in league with bin Laden
    We are winning in Afghanistan

    And this is just a very short list. There is a lot more.
    If you believe the US gov and msm you are a fool

  4. 1:17 F off shitspittle

    1. You're the intelligence level of so many Americans, sad.

  5. utter nonsense
    The Liberty--that was made public and Israel paid our govt and that made public
    Afghnistan: when did the govt say we were winning?
    But the real issue: show us where the news is fake! how do you know it is fake? give facts to make your case or you have no case

    1. You really like to play with the facts a nd lead people astray

      USS Liberty. Attack was covered up. World was told it was an accident. Later it was revealed it was a deliberate attack against an American Vessel,. Crew was briefed that they would face dire consequences if they went public about it. Situation was suppressed by the Johnson administration. It was a
      To say
      " it was made public"
      is a smear against the men who died on that ship. You would have us all believe a lie that it was an accident .

      Afganistan,, Really? I cannot believe you even challenge this one. So what happened, the US gov told us they were losing for 20 years? You really are a gas lighting cretin.
      Remeber..We are making progress . The Afghanis are stabilizing the country side. The Taliban are about finished.

      Tell us all, you son of a one battalion or brigade commander whose unit was going home to Conus that said his unit did not accomplish its mission?
      YES 20 years of accomplishing all missions assigned.
      YES we are winning in Afghanistan
      Special place in hell for you

  6. 6 meters, easier done by a fighter jet than RC 135.

    I do not trust chinese

  7. name a govt of any natiuon that tells the truth on all things.
    Lots of stuff kept from media--I know this firsthand

  8. The heroes of the PLAAF win again!

    Keep up the good work comrade Xi!

  9. 6 meters, easier done by a fighter jet than RC 135.

    I do not trust Chinese.


    Take the following statements:

    "President of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva — Socialist and convicted criminal, pro-China, backed by the Biden regime and CIA. Lula will be sworn in at 3 PM after stolen election from wildly popular Jair Bolsonaro."

    I know why the Democrat party would do that? Why would the CIA do that? Because the C suite when run by Democrat appointees is able to get the wishes of Democrat party done whether it is legal or not?

    If the Democrats are friends with the Chinese and the Chinese are friends with the Russians,

    then how come the Democrats are not friends with the Russians?

    D=C & C=R, bit D!=R


  10. 6:16 is a Chinese troll.
