Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Europe Experiencing A Historic Winter Warm Spell

Washington Post: Thousands of records shattered in historic winter warm spell in Europe 

As 2022 turned to 2023, an exceptionally strong wintertime heat dome pounced on much of Europe, producing unprecedented warmth for January. 

As temperatures soared 18 to 36 degrees Fahrenheit (10 to 20 Celsius) above normal from France to western Russia, thousands of records were broken between Saturday and Monday — many by large margins. 

The extreme warm spell followed a record-warm year in many parts of Europe and provided yet another example of how human-caused climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of such extraordinary weather events.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This is a Godsend to those who were worried about a very cold winter and not enough energy supplies to keep everyone warm.


  1. Mother nature is helping out Russian mil bloggers. The warm weather means the ground is wet and soft, so the Russians have another excuse why the BIG January offensive did not happen.

  2. Also good for Ukraine ppl staying warm… looks like even Mother Nature is on Ukraine’s side…

  3. So global warming is good? Who knew.

  4. https://twitter.com/Trollstoy88/status/1610041266313494530?s=20

    "The Russian winter is coming. By the end of the week, the air temperature in Ukraine will drop to -23°C even during the day."

    A long summer is nice, but the inevitable cannot be avoided.

  5. Really nice not to freeze to death.. oh wait.. it's global warming, so it's per definition bad, right? oh no wait, global change.. weather change.. riiiight.. we never had change before

    Can we move on to arrest these global climate change carbon gangsters OR do we have to wait for NY Times permission (10 years from now, once they have stolen everything from us and given the NYT their share)?

    it's a scheme to control and impoverish you.. those who impose it on you unknowingly are the tools.. but that doesn't mean we should just excuse the Greta's of this World. She is old enough to read a book about climatology, it's not hard to understand that the science is NOT settled AT ALL.

    1. Are you saying humans do not contribute to possible climate shifts? If so, wow.. I wish I plug my ears and ignore an issue that could me in the future.

  6. Wait what? Ehh... Meanwhile in Sweden it's very cold. But whatever.

  7. Here is a simple question to ask:
    Where do you get your information from on the issue of climate change, pros or cons?
    cite a source or two

  8. Not a bad question.

    Here's a simpler one:

    Which groups - aside from CNN, NYTIMES, WAPO, have lied more often to us?

    On anything from war to climate change, to the "vaccine" they have lied, mislead us. Now they do the same on "man made climate change" and use fear as a method to manipulate school kids. These kids grow up in 5-10 years and will be the next Antifa to enforce the climate lockdowns.
    They will believe it fully. As this lie is not opposed for nearly 2 decades now.
