Sunday, January 1, 2023

Majority Of Americans Want Congress To Investigate The FBI For Censoring Information On Social Media Sites

The Lid: Twitter Files: Majority of Americans Want FBI Investigated for Violating Our Free Speech 

The information revealed in the reams of Elon Musk’s Twitter Files has convinced most Americans that the FBI has turned into a criminal, anti-American, lawbreaking, and partisan organization. 

A new survey shows that people are fed up with it all. And they want the criminals at the FBI held accountable. 

Per Rasmussen Reports

A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and Miranda Devine’s Laptop From Hell finds that 63% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Congress should investigate whether the FBI was involved in censoring information on social media sites. Only 22% oppose such an investigation, while 15% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I am surprised that the percentage of Americans who want the FBI investigated is that low (63%). I expected a much higher number.


  1. Neat way to begin a new year!
    Rasmussen, but no other poll, says voters want FBI to investigate Hunter's laptop. Editor surprised to note that most Americans do not want FBI investigated, though of course right wing people do. And FBI is the outfit in charge of investigating Huner's laptop.
    So: right winger wants to investigate FBI; FBI investigating laptop currently; Most Americans want FBI left alone.

    1. What's to investigate re the laptop.. sfa. The FBI are dragging their feet, why?

  2. Who is this asshole?^^^ I don't see anything good from the FBI. They absolutely should be investigated from the top down. No one's above the law right? Jesus Christ the ignorance of people SMH

  3. Ignore that guy. He is just another Fred who cherry picks everything said, cant stay focused on a topic, and the moment you respond to him with any argument he runs away or just calls you names. If we ignore him long enough he will probably kill himself. Net gainz. The same guy who thinks the FBI is perfectly fine also casts his ballot for communists and child rapists. Happy new year you little bitch.

  4. 10:07 lives in a liberal dream world, insulated from reality, presenting empty progressive babble. The rest of the real world see the two sided judicial system here in Amerika.

  5. The FBI can’t be investigated because they hold the files on the politicians doing the investigation. It can be disbanded or its power keeps growing. Hoover politicized it behind repair, time to acknowledge it is a threat to our democracy and disband it. Start from scratch. No 10 year terms for the Director., make it like any other presidential nominee. Disperse the FBI to 4 or 5 regional areas, each with a director.reporting to the Attorney General. Hardly a start, but first steps.

  6. I like the FBI when they do the stuff I like, ie go after commies. I dislike them when they do not do what I want done.
    do a search and discover what the FBI did and did not do with Twitter instead of badmouthing them and NOT knowing what the connection was about.

    ps: if you can't handle the truth, call names.

  7. Putnam
    nice to see you carry on the family tradition of cracker emotional intelligence

  8. question: If Trump is indicted and goes to jail for, say, 10 years, will Secret Service guys also go there to protect him?

  9. 12:19 sounds like some sewer rat black Hebrew Israelite. We wuz Kaaaannnggggssss" "white folks stole our historyz" "Muh victims" 'Muh dik" lol. Take your field hand ass back to the democrat plantation, boy.

    11:58 more red herrings and cherry picking, and more apologetics for the for the partisan cudgel that is the FBI. Fuck you and your vox article citations, child porn peddling, troglodyte nail painting nonsense.

  10. 63% is high. 20% to 30% are die hard liberals. If they think the current way is helping their party, they do not care.

    So we are seeing maybe 7% to 17% of those who were maybe persuadable not seeing the FBI as a problem.

    The 20% is the low end of the base. It might be as high as nearly 40%.

  11. 12:19 sounds like a Russian provocateur.

    They will go after left, right or center just to stir the pot. I remember when I dropped my on line handle. All the sudden Fred came under blistering attack by 2 or 3 (seemingly different) people. Fred stopped posting under is name 2 or 3 weeks after I stopped posting under mine.

    If you tend to be leftwing or rightwing but your posts exposition is such that it s seems that it helps Russia and hurts DC, it is ignored or encouraged. If it is against Russia, there is a dogpile.

    About the Black Hebrew Israelites. Was Putnam going to far in his derision that dripped with sarcasm? I do not think Putnam would have wasted his time with sarcasm, if the media and politicians had been doing their job.

    The media, brave soy drinkers that they are, created the Covington Kids controversy and part of the reason was not so much to smear the right, but to obscure and ignore the Black Israelites. They succeeded. Covington Kids elicits a response. Black Israelites not so much.

  12. I have never know Fazman not to post under his name. Keep dreaming 227
