Monday, January 30, 2023

Senior US General Tells UK Defense Minister That The British Army Is No Longer A Top-Level Fighting Force


SKY News: US general warns British Army no longer top-level fighting force, defence sources reveal  

Rishi Sunak risks failing in his role as "wartime prime minister" unless he takes urgent action given the growing security threat posed by Vladimir Putin, it has been warned, with calls for a significant hike in spending. 

A senior US general has privately told Defence Secretary Ben Wallace the British Army is no longer regarded as a top-level fighting force, defence sources have revealed. 

They said this decline in war-fighting capability - following decades of cuts to save money - needed to be reversed faster than planned in the wake of Russia's war in Ukraine.  

Read more ....  

Update: US general warns British Army no longer among world’s top tier fighting forces: report (FOX News)  

WNU Editor: I would love to know who that US General is (General Milley?). 

Some UK pundits disagree with this assessment(see video below). 



  1. This just re-enforces what the British MOD said last month...The Armed forces are not good for much more than tottering around.

    So with the Germans looking bad and now the Brits...... what can you say?

    Remember that article with the Nato guy saying NATO can take Russia on right now.

    FAZMAN you agreed with that assessment. WHAT SAY YOU NOW?

  2. They no longer have the Navy they once did

  3. Dave,

    That is for sure

    I think it was not to long ago That only 1 of 11 nuke subs were working. Then there are the problems with the Prince of Wales AC, it is really sad when you think of the old glory of the British empire and now it has come to this.

  4. the truth is pretty simple. for example 2+2=4, water is wet. in the media I hear, "Russia has proven it is not a first class military" Then I hear that our militaries aren't capable of stopping the Russian threat. huh? How about this, Can Russia mount a formable armada, land this force on British shores, maintain the supply lines and defeat the British army. No they can't. then British forces are adequate. But are British forces capable of attacking russia and defeating them? Hell no. So what is US's concern over the capabilities of the British army. Apparently the US needs help taking their war to Russia.

  5. Afghanistan, a war that the UK should have left to the US, drained the UK of it's manpower and resources. This isn't surprising.

  6. Ron

    Your logic is impeccable.

  7. Politicians in Britain dislike the men & women in uniform & hold them in utter contempt. They have never been interested the need for a reasonably well financed & balanced army, navy, RAF. Soldiers just back from active service in Afghanistan were made redundant. Some were informed that they would be made redundant even when they were in country on active service. The politicians have never been interesting maintaining law & order & have almost destroyed the British police forces. They've destroyed the police recruitment process by outsourcing it to private companies. The result of this is a recent rash of scandals were police officers are alleged to have raped women. One even kidnapped, raped & murdered a woman. Unbelievable. A lot of these people would never have got in years ago. These people would have been rooted out 25/30 years ago. The Conservative governments over the past 13 years have cut the armed forces so much, they are incapable of fielding a single combat division or fighting a large European power. The Colonel Blimp like George Robertson is talking through his behooky. Britain suffers from abysmal politicians, yes men service chiefs & police chiefs. They be able to won't cope if Russia kicks our arse inside Britain, we'll have deserved it. Keep ducking.....

  8. Gt Bit will not enter a war alone but will have a number of allies. That means simply badmouthing them is silly. After all the mighty Russian military has spent a year fighting in Ukraine and has lost men, tanks, drones, potent are they?

  9. Ron I agree except for 1 thing. NATO is already a paper tiger on the verge of being a joke. It needs to be either rebuilt or disbanded. UK is part of NATO, but what does that actually mean? Not much at present. I think europe is on the way to consisting of geomilitary blocs. Whatever the future is, aside from UK, France, Poland, Scandanavia, and maybe Italy, Europe has no military to speak of. IMO Norway and Sweden would be better off in a military alliance with Finland and the Baltic states than joining NATO. ..Another sign that the days of the American Order are numbered

  10. 3:25
    you denigrate the British cops etc but in the US some 550 FBIU agents resigned to avoid facing investigation for wrong doing, mostly if not all sexual misconduct. And now 6 cops indicted for murder (new one added today), and all black, which means it is not simply a racial things but a cop thing.

  11. The old school yard taunt still applies: “It takes one to know one!”

  12. UK probably has a vastly different population type to the good old days too

  13. No European army is modern. If it can’t fight in space, replenish quickly in space, fight with drones, fight with precision, dominate the electromagnetic spectrums, and be highly maneuverable it’s obsolete. Hypersonics and lasers are coming too and they take enormous funds. The US is fielding 50 kw lasers now, 300kw in a year or two with higher in a arms race. Which European armies measure up?

  14. "you denigrate the British cops etc but in the US some 550 FBIU agents"

    3:56 Who do you mean? the FSB or the FBI?

    Is FBIU something we never heard of before?

    I do appreciate the comparison of British to American cops (I think American cops), but you face planted in your attemted comparison.

    550 is a nice round number. Did you pull it out of your keister?

    550? 500 in a year? A decade? A century? Since the FBI began?

    Could we have it x umber of agents per 1,000 for both sides?

    "which means it is not simply a racial things but a cop thing."

    Not so fast. These black cops did not go through the normal hiring process. They were affirmative action hires. So the psychological screening was not there.

    So this absolutely makes this a race thing and a political thing/ This murder was caused by Democrats. PERIOD FULL STOP

  15. "The follow-up review found 665 FBI employees, including 45 senior-level officials, resigned or retired between 2004 and 2020"

    665 over years 2004 to 2020 (inclusive) is 39.1 agents per year.

    Is that a lot? Is that a lot compared to other police forces in the US and around the world?

    IDK and neither does 3:56
