Sunday, February 26, 2023

New Poll Says US Voters Willing To Commit U.S. Naval And Air Power To Defend Taiwan Against A Chinese Invasion, But Against Sending Ground Troops

EurAsian Times: ‘No Boots On Ground‘: Majority Of US Voters ‘Chicken Out’ From Sending Soldiers To Taiwan To Battle China 

In an interesting reflection of American society, a recent survey found a massive majority of likely voters backing intervention in support of Taiwan – but without boots on the ground. 

They agree that the US should militarily intervene, but with only jets and warships and not with soldiers, which entails higher casualties. 

The findings in the survey by Rasmussen Reports put the figure at 79% who would support the United States imposing economic sanctions on China for invading Taiwan, including 60% who would ‘Strongly Support’ sanctions. Only 12% would oppose sanctions if China invaded Taiwan.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 79% of Likely U.S. Voters would support the United States imposing economic sanctions on China for invading Taiwan, including 60% who would Strongly Support sanctions. Only 12% would oppose sanctions if China invaded Taiwan.

As to sending in troops, the numbers are close. 46% say they would oppose the U.S. sending ground troops to defend Taiwan in the event of an invasion by China, compared to 42% who say they would support it. 

 More details on the poll are here .... Rasmussen Poll: Plurality Doesn't Want to Defend Taiwan With Ground Troops (NewsMax).


  1. This is the conflict that I’m worried about. Not going to be good for either side.

  2. I have a relative who is an f16 pilot. He feels the air force can sweep Russian planes from the skies but he is concerned about China. That being said, lets add something to the poll. How about asking folks if they support us defending Tawain with air and sea power but at the cost of the loss of our electrical grid and everything electronic for over a year. Now let's see what the answer is. Ron

    1. Personally me and best friend are ready for that, but most people will not be able to cope. But that reality is not comprehendible to most, hence the absolute state of complacency and delusion the west is in.

  3. reality: such polls do not really matter. How many "conflicts" have we entered with out the required ok from Congress, the authorized place to declare war?
