Sunday, April 9, 2023

US Deploys Guided-Missile Submarine To The Middle East


Al-Monitor: US Navy sends guided-missile submarine to Middle East amid Iran tensions 

US show of force comes as Pentagon extends aircraft carrier deployment following last month's lethal attack by Iran-backed militias on US personnel in Syria. 

The US Navy deployed a nuclear-powered submarine capable of carrying 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles into Middle East waters via the Suez Canal, a spokesperson revealed Saturday. 

The Pentagon's rare disclosure of the location of one of its Ohio-class submarines came amid heightened tensions between the United States and Iran after an American military contractor was killed by a drone attack on a US base in Syria last month. 

The USS Florida arrived in the region before transiting the canal on Friday "to help ensure regional maritime security and stability," Cdr. Tim Hawkins, a spokesperson for the US Navy's 5th Fleet, told Al-Monitor via email. 

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US Deploys Guided-Missile Submarine To The Middle East 

US deploys guided-missile submarine amid tensions with Iran -- AP  

Navy Announces USS Florida Guided-Missile Submarine Deployment to Middle East -- USNI News 

US Deploys Nuclear Submarine in Mideast Amid Iran Tension -- Bloomberg  

US deploys guided-missile submarine amid tensions with Iran -- Euronews  

US navy sends nuclear submarine to Middle East amid soaring Iran tensions -- Times of Israel  

U.S. sends cruise missile-armed submarine to Red Sea amid rising Iran tensions -- UPI


Anonymous said...

whats the point of a sub no one sees? Send a bunch of Little Crappy Ships (LCS) over there. Better than being the pier queens like they are now.

Anonymous said...

lol cry babies

Anonymous said...

Heads up! Always keep the USS Liberty in mind.