Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Holding Leaders Accountable For War

WNU Editor: This question will never be asked by a U.S. reporter.


  1. Kerry always looked like he just sucked a lemon.

  2. Bit more murky than Russia's invasion of ukraine ffs

  3. The advantage of US partisanship is that you can just blame the other party

  4. Ever the faithful globalist!

  5. It seems like apples and oranges comparison tome. For Russia, a vehemently anti Russian/Putin Military coalition, (NATO), led by the US who has a vehemently anti Russian/Putin party in charge, (Democrats and some republicans), gain complete influence over a country, (Ukraine), whose eastern most border projects into Russia, east of Moscow, (simple geography). The leaders of Ukraine, institute anti Russian propaganda amongst its citizens strongly dehumanizing Russians, (Orcs), and promise to one day include Ukraine into NATO.

    In our Iraq invasion, the US government drove a false narrative against a country that is 7,000 miles away, separated by the Atlantic Ocean, for the benefit of middle eastern benefactors.

    Just not the same thing at all.

    1. Ron,

      You capture the Russian position on this quite well. Whether or not it is fully accurate or not the Russians and their leadership seem to believe it. At best, the Russia/Ukraine war is far more nuanced and complex than our leadership and their media allies would have us believe.

      Unfortunately your analysis on the Iraq war appears to be spot on. You nailed it. That comparison is apples to oranges.

  6. The fact is that Albright, Bush, Clinton, Powell, Armitage, Wolfowitz, feah, and alot of other high ranking officials are war criminals. Plain and simple. The causes for invading the countries they did were highly speculative.

    Now this crowd of hypocritical blobbers want to condemn Russia. Great, put Putin on trial. But only if these creeps get thiers too.

    Other wise, it is only one big exercise in hypocrisy .

    Hope you Hanover boys are happy, because this is the type of morally insolvent worms you are working for.

  7. Russia took the WMDs to Syria before the war kicked off.

    The rivers were test3d and they were chock full of effluent for manufacture of WMDs.

    WTF is Kerry doing in that interview anyway? That is not his portfolio. He does not have to mug it up in front of camera, because he is not going to get elected to anything anymore.

    Kerry is like a moth to a flame. He cannot get enough camera time. He must not spend much time conversing with his putative wife. So what else is a man like hmo going to do with his spare time?


  8. "Putin ‘Is Losing the War’… ‘in Iraq’" - Jwe Biden

  9. John Kerry is a menace to good government. Inexplicable how someone so dumb could have so much influence over so many for so long. He’s a permanent stain on America.

    1. He should have been a stain on the sheets.

  10. Darius Rochebin is a swiss journalist working for a french tv

  11. Here is what the dried up Kakhovka Reservoir in Ukraine's Kherson region looks like now after the collapse of the Kakhovka Dam.

    Photo: @most_ks_ua

    — Novaya Gazeta Europe (@novayagazeta_en) June 26, 2023

  12. The standard bullshit

    we were lied to.


    Who? Who lied to you?

    Who Lied and caused the United States to commit to a war that cost billions of dollars and killed thousands of people?

    Is this not treason? Is this not conspiracy?

    Is this not a crime?

    Who were these "people". Names, governmental positions, time and dates.

    So when are you going to call for them to be accountable Mr. Kerry and yes you too Mr. Blob leadership of the USA.

  13. Yes,

    The Sons and Daughters of the Republic are not well served by these self serving morons

  14. The point the reporter makes is in the end of the clip. Why would we trust anything that comes out of the HenHouse in Washington.
