Monday, August 7, 2023

This Is What Ukraine's Counteroffensive Has Achieved After Two Months Of Heavy Fighting

WNU Editor: The British Institute of War's analysis is even more grim by showing Russian advances (see map below).
What makes it worse is that the Russian military has gained ground in the northeast of the country after launching its counteroffensive last week (see map below).


  1. This Is What Ukraine's Counteroffensive Has Achieved After Two Months Of Heavy Fighting.


    Not Much. a tragedy.

    they must be reading the Doug Haig manual of warfare.

  2. Interesting.
    So that is the HUGE Slice of land all these idiots have been crowing about in the last 2-3 weeks that has been the justification for the Ukrainians losing 40,000 men and millions of dollars of equipment.


    Once again the propaganda lies are brought to light. and the roaches scurry.

  3. Hahahaha what's against offensive is to laugh until you don't stop anymore, bro Ukraine its people, president and military are all clowning, Russia 2nd largest power ahead of China they already they know they're going to take a beating so they don't get up one hour or another it's going to come knockout and it could even be NUCLEAR, better this corrupt country, unemployed and without resources stop resisting the national lie
