Monday, August 28, 2023

US Republican Senator Mitt Romney Says Ukraine Military Aid Is "The Best National Defense Spending We've Ever Done"

Summit News: Video: Romney Calls Bottomless Ukraine Aid “The Best National Defense Spending We’ve Ever Done”  

Claims it is “the best thing we can do for America”  

Republican Senator Mitt Romney gave a big shout out to the Biden Administration Friday, posting a video in which he claims that sending billions in taxpayer dollars to Ukraine is “the best national defense spending I think we’ve ever done.” 

While the economy at home is dismal, Romney claimed that a “very small amount” of money that the U.S. is sending to Ukraine, more than $200 billion and counting, is benefitting all Americans. 

“The single most important thing we can do to strengthen ourselves relative to China is to see Russia defeated in Ukraine. Because they are allies, and Russia being weakened weakens their ally, China,” Romney said.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Reading the comments section in the above tweet one discovers there is a lot of public support for this policy.


  1. Romney is French for idiot

    Defeating a nation like Russia "in the best interest of USA".

    This guy.

    If you see him, RUN and hide your money and rights. He will take it all.

    1. Why would we want our biggest adversaries to grow in power

  2. They need to ban the fucking Marine killer

  3. he is a bad man! why? Trump said so. if the same post was in place without Romney name, it would be good stuff.

  4. Romney is just parroting what most others in the political sphere are saying.

    He is or was a smart man, but I do not think he has analyzed the situation.

    I believe we the US should be in Ukraine, but I give him no credit. IMO this is more of a wet finger stuck up in the air to gage wind direction.

  5. what he said was specific and direct and hardly an attempt to gage wind direction. You either agree with him or do not. If not, is it because of what he has said or who he is? Time to act like adults and stop the cult march-in-step crap.

  6. ^^^ Bad, Failed Russian Trollsky

    WNU had a blogpost a few days ago where Miss Lindsay Grahamnesty said about the same thing.

    You should coordinate with Fatman better.

  7. The guy is a blithering idiot.

    The lose in investment And the lose of Ukrainian life cannot be redeemed. This man is a self serving slime ball

  8. You are right. The loss of Russian and Ukrainian lives by Putin and his supporters cannot be redeemed.

  9. 203
    You are a mindless parrot 🦜🦜🦜 go eat a cracker

    1. 203 is correct !, The Ukranians are not the Afghan National Army. The United States and Nato are decimating Russian military offensive capability to the point of it will take decades to recover , whilst holding the morale high ground and the public opinion of the civilised world.
      This is done without the loss of one US or Nato soldier ,

  10. Looking at that vile traitor Mitt Romney makes me furious. How could the people of Utah have elected that Carpetbagger Yankee as their Senator?

  11. Romney is not a traitor, but he is weak.

    He was shown as weak when Candy Crowley as debate moderator improperly took Obama's side during a debate. He's moved t the left since then or at the very least demurred to the left.

  12. a grown up would discuss what the man said and not dump on him personally. Thus: do you dismiss what he says about aiding Ukraine, and why? Or do you go along with his position no matter how you feel about the guy?

  13. 3:49 aka trollski aka Littleboy

    I was very specific, Romney let debate moderator walk all over him. Informed people know of what I speak.

    Try again littleboy. fatman will.

  14. you seem obtuse. do you agree with what he says? or do you disagree? that is simple. can you frame an answer without referring to his lunch, his clothing, his debate and the moderator.

  15. Skoda

    Are you harassing people again.

    Have we no talked about that??

    And are you pulling for Romney??

    I am surprised at you!!

    We Both know that he is a limp wristed RHINO.

  16. I still view Obama's finest moment at a debate was when he made that comment to Mittens about the cold war calling and wanting it's foreign policy back. It was true then and had been for many years.


  17. 753 and 832

    you all are pathetic.

    Ok let's hear it for the billionth time, Russia is losing, US is doing great. Nato is truly stupendous, The Chinks economy is in the toilet,

    Keep talking the bullshit and being jackasses. You have not been right yet and you will not be in the future.

    1. Well how do you define winning , hard to say Russia is atm , doesn't mean they are losing , but winning ? . Nato is doing great , their equipment as usual is proving superior, it's saving lives, it's being battle tested and Russia will take 20 years to rebuild ..sounds like a win so far lol

  18. 4:59
    moron. still unable to answer simple questions. A trumpian misfit

  19. 9:45,

    I was answering Adam( not their real name) about Romney's comment during his debate about Russia.

    Obama gave a witty(?) one liner to what Romney said. I put a question mark after witty, because if we keep asking ourselves if we are in a new Cold War, then we probably are and Obama's quip was probably false and therefor not witty.

    I looked up witty. Which leads you to clever, ...which could all but seem self referential. But witty is form wit and that definition says

    - The natural ability to perceive and understand; intelligence.
    - Practical intelligence; shrewdness or resourcefulness.
    - Sound mental faculties; sanity.

    The first definition shows that Obama di it perceive things correctly. Therefor he was not witty. He did not perceive things correctly or he did and he just lied.
