Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Canada To Impose More Restrictions On Free Speech

CBC: CRTC registration for podcasts and streaming companies draws criticism 

News that online streamers and podcasters will soon be required to register with Canada's broadcasting regulator is raising confusion and concerns that heavier regulation may be coming. 

Late Friday afternoon, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission announced that online streaming and podcasting services operating in Canada with $10 million or more in annual revenue in this country, will have to register with it before Nov. 28.  

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WNU Editor: Independent news groups and organizations in Canada is my go to place for news that I know the mainstream media will not cover. Rebel News (link here) and True North (link here) are two such places and IMHO it is these groups that the Federal Government wants to regulate. The above tweet from Elon Musk is spot on.


  1. This is how he plans on manipulating the next election. Like I said before, he will be in office until he’s on his death bed, just like his old man in the south

  2. right. Trump got kicked out of office just because he lost an election! how unfair.

    1. Dems cheated big! Sometimes legal but sometimes illegal and DOJ don’t care.

    2. Lololololololol

  3. "The Untouchables" - What are you prepared to do?

    What is WNU prepared to do? Whine.

    Only whine IMO.

    If nothing lese these people know how to count votes. They know how many they need. they know how to use the media to suppress information and to sway polls if not 100% or forever, then for long enough and by enough to keep power. They especially know how to due it for that critically short time ahead of the ultimate poll, the election. They know how to stuff ballot boxes by means great and small.

    Justin Trudeau needs to be deconstructed until he is destructed. It means going after his cultivated image. It means bring up his divorce, his black face routine (by itself will not work and will only strengthen him) and his parentage.

    A simple genetic test should establish paternity. Is the Y chromosome French or Spanish. Sadly, Fidel Castro came from pure Spanish roots and was upper middle class or better. Fidel is what is known according to the NYT as a White-Hispanic.

    If Justin is Fidel's son it calls into question the wisdom of Pierre and the whole political dynasty. Follow up the blackface which Justin did more than once, the India cultural appropriation, and his divorce (infidelity?). Do it within a short span of time.

    Ratcheting up pressure does fail. It failed in Rolling Thunder. You want something like Linebacker. Something intense, short and sharp in the media. It is the way a German general described blitzkrieg or fighting. He said 'punch' do not 'tickle'. Do not put reinforcements in penny packets. The USSR had Shock armies or guards armies. they delivered a hell of a punch. Not a tickle. It can and does work the same in media.

    Or you can complain and stick with your current self-aggrandizing PM.

    When Trudeau start sling down the Hill you need to follow up wit Freeland lest Justin simply gets replaced and you get the same ole same ole.

    I think it starts with e DNA story if that can be verified.

    Just imagine if that works?

    Someone who may or may not be Kenyan would be terrified of going out to eat.

    DNA: A waiter in a restaurant can clean the table and retrieve any glass that Justin uses. The glass can be swabbed obviously.

  4. What are you prepared to do?

  5. Have a white mind
