Friday, November 3, 2023

Two U.S. Carrier Strike Groups Are Now Operating In The Eastern Mediterranean Sea

USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) steams in formation with the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) during a photo exercise, Nov. 3, 2023. US Navy Photo  

USNI News: USS Gerald R. Ford, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Operate Together in Eastern Med. 

For the first time in decades, two U.S. aircraft carriers sailed together in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, U.S. 6th fleet announced Friday. Carriers USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) and USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) drilled for three days in the Mediterranean Sea along with USS Mount Whitney (LCC-20) and two Italian guided-missile frigates.

“Operating dual carrier strike groups alongside Allies and Partners in a dynamic environment demonstrates our capability and capacity to respond with agility decisively to any contingency,” Vice Adm. Thomas Ishee, commander of the U.S. 6th Fleet said in a Friday statement. 

“Our presence sends a clear signal about our commitment to deter aggression and promote stability throughout the region.”  

Read more .... 

Two U.S. Carrier Strike Groups Are Now Operating In The Eastern Mediterranean Sea  

US sends a warning with 2 aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean at the same time -- Task & Purpose  

U.S. Sixth Fleet Conducts Bilateral, Dual-Carrier Operations in Eastern Mediterranean Sea -- US Navy  

Photos: U.S. Naval Power on Display in Mediterranean Sea -- gCaptain


  1. belongs to GOOGLE - Google LLC, US. Check the list of other websites hosted by GOOGLE - Google LLC, US. registered under .COM top-level domain. Check other websites in .COM zone.

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  2. "Ukrainian FPV videos increasingly show strikes on immobile & abandoned RU armor. This is indicative of RU's failing logistics (which stray vehicles without fuel) and the poor morale of RU tank crews-- who frequently bail from their units in mid-mission."

    Waste of good Russians

    But not according to upper class snob Russians.

  3. "Ukrainian FPV videos increasingly show strikes on immobile & abandoned RU armor.

    That is because they are filming abandoned hulks from battles that occurred weeks or months ago.

  4. It is a rather cooling effect. If not on the fiery public rhetoric, which is cheap and loud - then more on the actual kinetics. C'mon Iran, FAFO.

    I served aboard the Ike. '87,'88. Best time of my life.



  5. WNU Editor has long stopped providing actual analysis on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. His blog is now simply a Russian info war op. People who come here must always keep this in mind. He rarely reports any Ukrainian successes or Russian losses except when he absolutely must, and then is always dismissive. His "reporting" and "analysis" has only one purpose - showComment=1699034654818#c4438778647857806476>to demoralize Ukraine and its supporters so they cease resisting Russia.

    - Chris

    What WNU did post:

    US Minuteman III Ballistic Missile Self Destructs During Test Launch

    What WNU did not post:
    During an RS-24 Yars missile launch test on Nov. 1, the projectile launched from a cosmodrome in Arkhangelsk Oblast toward Kamchatka went off course, the HUR said.


    What did Jay Faquhar call WNU right before WNU closed comments?

    A S-Head!

  6. My view: if you dislike how the editor does things then stop[ reading and commenting. Why not open your own site sincez yu seem to know what you think is right to post.

  7. 8:25 AM- Totally agree, if it sucks so bad leave.

  8. Chis is an gov info ops and an ignorant FNG.

    He, like you, hates the Editor, because the editor refuses to follow the pro ukie narrative. Chris also has not been right on anything in the last 13-14 months, so why pay attention to what he says?

    And you know what , in the last 13-15 months most of the editors predictions and thoughts on the war have been quite solid. And that's it.

    Simple and to the point.

    yes I forgot, the gratuitous insult that you like so much to make .....since chris is an illegitimate source, and since you use him as one, you too have become illegitimate. Eat you fodder and be content.

  9. I Have stated that I think Chris works for the government. I would peg him at the GS12 range. He definitely is not an GS8 or lower. His contributions are not official work although his work might be defense related. They are his understanding of world events. I do not believe his job is info ops, but keep dreaming. I also stated IDC. If his view is not like Brennan, Wray or all the other petty (but with big, important jobs), internecine, partisan backstabbers IDC, if he works for Uncle Sam or not. Work for the govt, not work for the govt IDV, so long as he uses his intelligence guided by wisdom to post. If Chris would make the same statement employed or not employed by the govt or as a citizen or non citizen, then I consider them valid.

    The worst case scenario for WNU is the Chinese diplomacy he described. He stated that for 2 or 3 decades china would show the friendly face and then would switch to the bad face. Not quite those words. Prior to 2022 or 2021, WNU showed his friendly face (or good face) and since the war he is showing his bad face. He built up a following and now he will throw it all away for the objective.

    The best case scenario for WNU is that he is a run of the mill irredentist like most of us albeit with a better paycheck due to education, circumstance and skill.

    Like I said before part of the reason I am here now is to monitor. WNU went form #1 to #5 in my books and will sink to $15 to #20 in 1 or 2 years.

    But I remember some of you sick fucks. I remember when you went after Fred so hard that he posted anon ever after. It took you 3 weeks to accomplish it. That was years ago. So I would say that part of the reason for being here is pugilistic. Enjoy the ride.

  10. Chris is a ignorant Fédération Nationale du Génie?

  11. FNG. Vietnam war era.

    FNG......Fukin New Guy

    a comment of disdain.


    A newbie, has not been around the block.

    An individual who thinks he knows things, but in reality is ignorant.

    a danger to himself and others, until he is properly trained.

  12. I know what FNG means although there was a significant outside chance that it did not mean fucking new guy in the context of your post/verbal diarrhea.

    How is chris the FNG?

    Because he only started posting in the last 6 months to a year?

    He might have been reading WNU for several years. He might have a 20 to 30 year career. I guess closer to 30 than 20. He might post extensively and cogently on many other sites.

    But he does not have the several years of vicious postings here at WNU that you have. So I see it your way. He is a FNG.

  13. I am a cognitive dissident.


  14. does that mean "asshole"?

  15. You identify as cognitive deficient.

  16. 1141.

    If my posts are vicious concerning liars and idiots, I make no apologies.

    these people tell lies. they would lead us down paths of darkness, despair, and defeat, for their
    own ideological reasons or because of their own willful ignorance.

    The facts that Ukraine is losing the war are there to find, and not hard to find either. This idea that the russian economy is somehow crumping is also a lie.

    If you want to live in a fantasy world , go ahead.

    People come to this blog to find the truth, so they can make good life decisions and have a good idea of what is happening in this world.

    Liars who tell non-facts and distort reality only hurt all of us.

    Garbage in , garbage out. You let cris and these ideological minions spew trash, then those who read it, will be deceived and make bad decisions based on false knowledge.

    Therefore, Ideological liars, like the communists of the 20th century, MUST BE CHALLENGED.


    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

    and mr Fair and balanced...Answer the 5 questions
