Thursday, January 18, 2024

NATO To Hold Its Largest Exercise Next Week Since The Cold War


Reuters: NATO to hold biggest drills since Cold War with 90,000 troops 

BRUSSELS (Reuters) -NATO is launching its largest exercise since the Cold War, rehearsing how U.S. troops could reinforce European allies in countries bordering Russia and on the alliance's eastern flank if a conflict were to flare up with a "near-peer" adversary. 

Some 90,000 troops are due to join the Steadfast Defender 2024 drills that will run through May, the alliance's top commander Chris Cavoli said on Thursday.  

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NATO To Hold Its Largest Exercise Since The Cold War 

 NATO to start biggest wargames in decades next week, involving around 90,000 personnel -- AP  

NATO to kick off biggest drills in decades with some 90,000 troops -- CNA  

NATO to start biggest wargames in decades next week, involving around 90,000 personnel -- El Pais 

Biggest NATO drills since Cold War to start next week -- Al Jazeera  

NATO Deploying 90,000 Troops in Largest Drill Conducted Since Cold War -- KNewsZ  

Is NATO Mobilizing 90,000 Troops for War With Russia? What to Know -- Newsweek


  1. Yeah and all further exercises postponed—probably a sneak attack on brics

  2. Back during the first cold war, NATO would drill on a regular annual and semiannual basis, to prepare against the WARSAW pact. I think that all todays exercise will do is highlight how dysfunctional NATO is.

    1. Yep—or be used to push the russkie menace off the kola peninsula

  3. any and all comments badmouthing NATO are from Russian paid operatives.

  4. The US should get the fuck out of NATO. Let Europe defend Europe. President Trump will hopefully accomplish this in his 2nd term. I am not a Russian paid operative, nor am I a crackpot. I am a veteran of the US Armed Forces, who is sickened by the degeneracy that is now the norm in the US and the rest of the "West."

    1. Congress passed a law saying no president can remove U.S. from nato without an act of congress so no buddy you Russian bot

  5. 10:21,

    I agree entirely.

    The US is more than capable of defending itself, and a NATO membership has been a redundant, net loss for the US for decades; particularly since the collapse of the Soviet Union. I am former military as well, and seeing the current status of things disgusts me. We no longer have any soft power exports because our culture has become marxist degenerate garbage thanks to the Democrat Communist Party and its associates, and we have more than enough problems here at home thanks to a increasingly oppressive and rampant illegitimate US government who's political staff have sold this country out and are eviscerating this constitutional republic. We dont need any high minded European country to lecture us about our gun laws, humanitarian issues etc whilst they beg for our protection and can barely muster a collective force that could meets the needs of warfare in 2024.

    Fuck NATO entirely.

    And for that binary thinking mud puddle troglodyte at 911: Fuck Russia to.

    -Does not compute-


  6. I've never liked NATO and the bot who said I would be a paid actor for doing so can explain why. Are we supposed to accept NATO by default? No. And the reason are being shown now. For some reason NATO already knew it would be a war, that's why countries like Sweden (for some devine reason) suddenly wanted to throw away what little neutrality we had to join the big boy club. What is going on and tell us all why NATO for some reason seems to be hell bent on the ultimate decision. What's so ducking important in Ukraine fo us all to loose our freedoms? They keep talking about Russia invading Scandinavia now, when Russia obviously can't take care of what they already have started: Ukraine. So how come Russia is able to conquer the world? Something is so off here and I can't understand why people are running around with doom in their minds.

  7. You know what Hans, You and the rest of the Swedes got screwed.

    For 200 years you have been at peace, Now your government joined NATO with promises of security.

    They are nuts.

    What your elites did was trade a proven history for a hand full of ashes, such are promises.
