Sunday, June 28, 2009

China’s Manufacturing Boom Has Brought Widespread Pollution And Unexpected Changes To The Bodies, Minds, And Souls Of The Chinese People

A River Runs Through It -- Search Magazine

China’s manufacturing boom has brought widespread pollution—and unexpected changes to the bodies, minds, and souls of the Chinese people.

The cancer ward of Shenqiu County Hospital is busy on this weekday morning. Bicycles and motorbikes are scattered around the dusty brick courtyard and a white doctor’s jacket hangs from a tree to dry. A line of people stand outside a small one-story concrete building, patiently waiting their turn for a few minutes with Dr. Wang Yong Zeng, the chief oncologist. Most carry their life’s medical records with them, clutching the thick folders full of X-rays and documents tightly to their chest.

Read more ....

My Comment: I have included this story because it gives an accurate portrayal of what China is like today. When the main stream media and our politicians talk about China, we see a booming economy, a growing military, and a financial powerhouse that will soon match Japan and the United States.

What we do not see is what this article reveals. I have been a frequent visitor of China since 1988, and even then I saw the environmental devastation that was occurring. 20 years later .... it is now indescribable.

It is going to take China all of its resources and energy as well as a political will to repair this environmental and health disaster. If not .... the poisoning of the land will ultimately leach into everyone who lives on it .... and in China's case, that is everyone.

1 comment:

  1. It's really sad that it's come to this and that such a big and prosphere country like China can ignore its people and hurt them just to get more investments and upgrade its economy.
