Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ominous Signs On The Israeli - Lebanese Border

(Click the Above Image to Enlarge)

From The Jerusalem Post:

In an effort to prevent a flare-up along the northern border, UNIFIL has increased its operations in southern Lebanon and has begun entering villages in search of Hizbullah weapons caches, according to information obtained recently by Israel.

In one recent successful operation in the eastern sector of southern Lebanon, UNIFIL peacekeepers uncovered close to 20 Katyusha rockets that were ready for launch.

UNIFIL operates under Security Council Resolution 1701, passed following the Second Lebanon War in 2006. Operations in villages have been a point of contention between UNIFIL and Israel, which said over the past three years that the peacekeeping force was failing to prevent Hizbullah's military buildup in southern Lebanon since it refrained from entering villages.

Read more ....

My Comment: Iran's theocracy has lost an enormous amount of face in front of their allies in the Middle East. The brutal murders of young people on the streets of Tehran will not be forgotten nor forgiven. For the Iranian Government, they need a distraction, and a flareup on the Israeli and Lebanon border is a perfect prescription for them. The Israelis know this, and it is obvious that the UN forces in the region know this also.

The next few weeks are going to be particularly tense in this region.

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