Sunday, June 28, 2009

Military: No Ban on Use of Mine-Resistant Vehicles In Iraq

Lance Cpl. Charles Howard / Marine Corps According to a Marine commander in Anbar province, no Marines have died while riding in Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles through 300 attacks dating back to January 2006. Photo from Marine Corps Times, April 2007

From The Washington Post:

BAGHDAD, June 27 -- The U.S. military said Saturday that U.S. soldiers will not be barred from using mine resistant armored vehicles during the daytime in Iraqi cities after July 1, a departure from guidance officers and squad leaders said they received in writing in recent days.

The reported rule banning the use of the hulking vehicles, known as MRAPs, in urban areas starting July 1, raised safety concerns among soldiers.

A Washington Post story published Friday said soldiers were worried that using the smaller, less armored Humvees would leave them more vulnerable to armor-piercing roadside bombs and grenades.

Read more ....

My Comment: Safety of our soldiers should always be priority number one.

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