Thursday, March 4, 2010

A New Look At Russia's Military Doctrine

Russian anti-aircraft rockets drive past the Kremlin in Moscow on May 7, 2009 during a dress rehearsal for the May 9 Victory Day parade celebrating the end of WII (Gettty Images)

From The Moscow Times:

The new Russian military doctrine approved by President Dmitry Medvedev on Feb. 5 elicited an unwarranted negative reaction from the West.

Many analysts claim that the doctrine is divorced from reality and deliberately vague. Some incorrectly cited passages from Russia’s two previous military doctrines adopted in 1993 by President Boris Yeltsin and in 2000 by President Vladimir Putin. A few critics did not even bother to compare the major differences between Russia’s new doctrine and the military doctrine of the United States.

Read more ....

My Comment: This Moscow Times article is a typical Russian response to Western concerns on their new military doctrine.

As to what is my point of view, in the past I spent hours and hours debating my father and family (all Russian patriots) on how silly they were in believing that one day US nuclear forces may be unleashed on them. Years later .... I now know that I could never have changed their mind. Their life stories and experiences are completely opposite from mine .... and it is this mindset that will rule Russian military doctrine for the foreseeable future. The only thing that we can do is stick to our principles, and keep a deterrent that no one will ever want to mess around with.


george5287 said...

How do you think, if Russia had no nuclear weapon would America launch a nuclear strike?

WNU Editor said...

Thank you George for your comment.

I doubt it. The world today is not the world that my parents grew up in .... or even the world that I grew up in.

Russia, China, the U.S., Britain, and France .... none of these governments have any appetite to wage nuclear war, and with time I can easily predict that the possibility of a full fledged nuclear war between these countries will be even less.

Our focus should be on rogue countries like North Korea and Iran, and lesser nuclear states like Pakistan, India, and yes .... even Israel. If a nuclear weapon will ever be detonated in a populated center, it will be because of these states or their non-government/non-state allies like Hezbollah, Hamas .... and (of course) Al Qaeda.