Sunday, November 6, 2011

Afghanistan War News Updates -- November 6, 2011

U.S. Troops Leave Border Base To Afghans -- Washington Post

COMBAT OUTPOST WAZA KHWAH, AFGHANISTAN — The last of the American soldiers packed up their gear, lowered their flag and flew away on Chinook helicopters Thursday, handing this small base to the 250 Afghan policemen left in the swirling dust below.

Just 25 miles from the Pakistani border, in one of Afghanistan’s most volatile provinces, the hand-over marked the beginning of an experiment to see whether Afghan security forces are ready to fight the Taliban as U.S. troops begin to withdraw.

Read more ....

More News On Afghanistan

Suicide Bomber Kills 8 in Afghanistan -- New York Times
Suicide attack after Eid prayers kills 7 in Afghanistan -- CNN
Afghanistan: 'Six killed' in Baghlan Eid suicide attack -- BBC
Suicide bomber kills 7 in north Afghanistan -- Yahoo News/AP
British soldier shot dead in Afghanistan just 'a few months' after joining Army -- Daily Telegraph
Flournoy: Coalition Continues Progress in Afghanistan -- US Department of Defense
Afghan forces difficult to wean off U.S. assistance -- Stars and Stripes
Crucial plan to reintegrate Afghan insurgents falling flat -- Kansas City/McClatchy News
Pakistan army will train Afghanistan Army -- Dawn
Moving ceremony for slain Diggers -- Herald Sun
The changing face of the Taliban -- DANW
In search of long-term stability in Afghanistan -- Inquirer
India, Pakistan Will Compete for Influence in Afghanistan, Musharraf Says -- Bloomberg
Clinton's Dubious Plan to Save Afghanistan With a 'New Silk Road' -- Joshua Kucera, The Atlantic
Just Another Saturday Night in Afghanistan -- ABC News

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