Monday, July 7, 2014

Smuggling US Military Technology Is Big Business

Photo: Amir Ardebili

Inside The Plot To Smuggle US Military Technology To Iran -- New York Post

An Iranian named Amir Ardebili was writing out a long list when he suddenly stopped and turned to his new partners in arms.

“This is a very secret list, please,” he said to Darius, the Eastern European arms broker, and Patrick Lynch, an American involved in the trade.

“ ‘Have it in your pocket. Or customer will kill me.’ He laughed as he said it, but he wasn’t joking.”

Lynch said to him, “You can trust us. No worries.”

Ardebili’s deadly customer was the Iranian government. The list was a detailed account of every player in Iran’s ongoing attempts to secure American military technology for their own use, including “Iranian front companies, [and] American companies they’d done business with.”

Read more ....

My Comment: I suspect that this case is only the tip of the iceberg .... and yes .... it is a big business involving hundreds of millions (if not billions) of dollars.

1 comment:

James said...

A guy named Darius in an Iranian arms deal!?! Excuse me while I pick myself up off the floor. Wait, let me guess, Xerxes was the cut out man.