Thursday, September 25, 2014

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- September 25, 2014

War Without End: The U.S. May still Be Fighting In Syria In 2024, 2034, 2044 . . . -- Jack Shafer, Reuters

This must be what perpetual war looks like.

In a Pentagon briefing yesterday, Army Lieutenant General Bill Mayville called the cruise missiles and bombs flung at targets in Syria “the beginning of a credible and sustainable persistent campaign.” How long will the campaign last? “I would think of it in terms of years,” Mayville responded.

Although the bombs exploded on Syrian soil, they didn’t target Bashar al-Assad’s battered, murderous regime. The bombs were addressed to Syria’s enemy, the Islamic State, a nascent nation that has pledged to topple both Iraq and Syria, as well as Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Cyprus, and parts of southern Turkey, and erect a caliphate on the parcel.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- September 25, 2014

Syria raids: Widening the war on ISIL -- Inside Story/Al Jazeera

The Campaign Against the Islamic State Group Begins -- John McLaughlin, OZY

Will U.S. Anti-ISIL Air War Succeed? -- Majid Rafizadeh, Huffington Post

Could mutual enemy ISIS bring Saudis and Iranians together? -- Israel Hayom/Reuters

West Should Risk a Nuclear Deal with Iran -- Jack Straw, Telegraph

Is China entering its own military quagmire abroad? -- Kevin B. Sullivan, The Week

Is Nigeria Turning the Tide Against Boko Haram? -- Anne Look, VOA

Unrest in the home of peace: Boko Haram tightens the noose -- The Economist

Meet the Most Feared People in Liberia -- Aryn Baker, Time

David Cameron Should Be Royally Embarrassed By Independence Flub -- Catherine Mayer, Time

The Sick Man of Europe Is Europe -- Joel Kotkin, Forbes

The Ebola Fiasco - Nicholas Kristof, New York Times

1 comment:

James said...

This claim is an attempt to defer criticism. "We told you it would take a while, we know what we're doing, just be patient."