Sunday, October 19, 2014

Recent Fighting And U.S. Led Air Strikes Are Taking A Heavy Toll Of Islamic State Fighters In Syria

At Least 70 ISIS Bodies Dropped Off At Syrian Hospital, Opposition Says -- CNN

(CNN) -- ISIS has apparently taken a heavy hit over the past several days. The bodies of at least 70 fighters for the terror group have been dropped off over four days at a hospital in the Syrian town of Tal Abyad, a Syrian opposition group told CNN. Tal Abyad is on the Turkish border and about 80 kilometers (50 miles) from Raqqa.

The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria took control of Raqqa last year. ISIS uses the once-liberal city as a kind of headquarters where it applies its hardline interpretation of Islamic law, terrorizing the population.

Kurdish and Iraqi forces have been battling ISIS on the ground. With the help of airstrikes from an international coalition led by the United States, the foot soldiers are now focused on pushing ISIS back from its relentless attempt to take Kobani, a Kurdish town on the Syrian-Turkish border.

Read more ....

Update: ISIS Bodies Dropped At Hospital As Fighting Around Kobani Continues To Explode -- Inquisitr

My Comment: Only 70?!?!?! I expected much more.


Jay Farquharson said...

Urban street fighting is very positional, but when it's two Irregular groups engaged, it is often a low casualty event, due to a lack of heavy equiptment.

It only takes a few guys to hold a building, and one building can dominate an entire neighbourhood.

Unknown said...

That's an excellent point, to which I would add that casualties from the airstrikes are not likely to leave much in the way of bodies. Buildings collapse and entomb the remnants, and a direct hit on a vehicle isn't going to leave much to deliver to a hospital.

Unknown said...

The Syrian town of Tal Abyad, a Syrian opposition group told CNN. Tal Abyad is on the Turkish border and about 80 kilometers (50 miles) from Raqqa. - CNN

This tells me very little (CNN's fault!). Hard to find with all the variant spellings. Also no explantion where TellAbiad is in relation to Kobane.

Kobane(Ayn al Arab) & Tal Abyad (Tell Abiad) are 68 kilometers apart by road (at least according to google maps).

Why transport your fallen that far? Too hide the number of casualties?

If you want to hide your casualty figures why not bury them yourselves?

The ISIS fighters do not much like work. Is it all wine women and song with them? Graves detail is beneath them or demoralizing.