Friday, April 29, 2016

A Look At Canada's Military Mission In Iraq

CTV: Canada's military mission in Iraq: A close-up look at the fight against ISIS

ERBIL, Iraq -- Abandoned villages, a shattered bridge, hidden bombs and a steady stream of fighters headed to the frontline.

That’s the scene that greeted Canada’s top general as he paid a dramatic visit to northern Iraq Thursday to the area where Canadian special operations forces soldiers are aiding Peshmerga fighters.

Gen. Jonathan Vance, chief of defence staff, said the Islamic State is doomed to defeat and predicted that Canadian forces and their Peshmerga allies will play a key role in the coming battle for Mosul, the Iraqi city that remains a key extremist stronghold.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The media focus is on what the "big powers" are doing in the war against the Islamic State. here is look at what a "smaller power" is doing.


  1. "Canada’s military goes to dangerous places all the time. It’s always for a good cause."

    If only it were true....

  2. I would have liked to hear what the Sgt's think of this, instead of this mission being filtered thru a General.
