Friday, April 29, 2016

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- April 29, 2016

Nicole Gaouette, CNN: North Korean military moves: What can the U.S. do?

(CNN)North Korea's attempted missile tests Thursday are just the latest in a string of muscle-flexing and trash-talking provocations out of Pyongyang.

U.N. officials gathered later Thursday to address North Korea's behavior, which Pentagon officials say has led to levels of tension in Asia unprecedented in modern memory.

Since North Korean leader Kim Jong Un assumed power in 2011, he has shown a penchant for brute force. He's secured his hold on power by having about 70 senior officials killed -- including one of his uncles. And he's steadily raised regional tensions with rocket launches, missile firings, cyber attacks, nuclear tests and -- North Korea claims -- a hydrogen bomb test, an assertion U.S. officials dispute.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- April 29, 2016

North Korea Accuses US Soldiers of Provoking Border Troops -- AP

North Korea test-fires two missiles, both fail: U.S. -- Reuters

Seeing shared threats, Turkey sets up military base in Qatar -- Reuters

Anti-ISIS Coalition Faces Challenges in Mosul -- US News and World report

Who sent Iranian army green berets to Syria? -- Al-Monitor

Pentagon: Russian military support for Assad remains strong -- The Hill

Syrian Army planning offensive on ISIS ‘capital’ Raqqa aided by Russian jets -- RT

Reports: Germany mulls stronger support for NATO mission in Lithuania -- DW

Finnish Report Highlights Russian Threat of NATO Membership -- AP

NATO Membership Not Automatic for Nordic States, Officials Warn -- Defense News

Russia Warns NATO: Will Deploy New Generation Missiles In Northern Territories If Sweden Joins Alliance -- IBTimes

Russia to boost military force if Sweden allies with NATO - senator -- RT

Why Russia has NATO on the ropes -- Kyle Mizokami, The Week

About 30,000 troops of Russia's Eastern Military District take part in snap checks -- TASS

Russia won't deliver S-300 missile system to Syria — official -- TASS

Joint Russia-China Computerized Missile Defense Drills to Be Held in May -- Sputnik

China shipbuilding focuses on civilian-military integration to spur innovation -- IHS Jane's 360

Report: Chinese Combat UAVs in Demand -- Defense News

China Combat Drones in High Demand Around the World -- Sputnik

Inside the military’s drone training program -- Fast Company

Pentagon Tests Iron Dome, Adopts Israeli Bombing Tactics -- The Tower

Boeing Rival Airbus Also Has Problems Building A Military Plane -- Investor's Business Daily

US military disciplines 16 over hospital strike in Afghanistan -- DW

Turner: Carter Has ‘Lost Total Credibility’ on Budget -- Defense News

Congress appears ready to let the Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk go -- Flight Global

Air Force bosses to pit 40 year old A-10 and new $400bn F-35 jets against each other in 'war games' to see which really is the top gun -- Daily Mail

Marines Not Affected By F-35 Radar Reset Software Glitch; Fielding Still On Track -- USNI News

Could Connectivity Failure Ground F-35? It's Complicated -- Defense News

US Missile Defense Agency Fails to Meet 2015 Testing Goals -- Sputnik

Defense authorization bill would elevate Cyber Command -- The Hill

Pentagon working to ‘take out’ ISIS’ internet -- AFP

Bill would target retaliation against military sexual assault victims -- The Hill

Carter pledges probe of sex assault testimony -- The Hill

Army Reverses Decision to Kick Out Green Beret Who Confronted Rapist -- News

7 Military Operations With Ridiculous Names -- Sarah Sicard, Task & Purpose

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